etrago.analyze package¶
etrago.analyze.calc_results module¶ defines methods to calculate results of eTraGo
- etrago.analyze.calc_results.calc_investment_cost(self)[source]¶
Function that calulates overall annualized investment costs.
- Returns:
network_costs (float) – Investments in line expansion (AC+DC)
link_costs (float) – Investments in sectorcoupling link expansion
stor_costs (float) – Investments in storage and store expansion
- etrago.analyze.calc_results.calc_marginal_cost(self)[source]¶
Function that caluclates and returns marginal costs, considering generation and link and storage dispatch costs
- Returns:
marginal_cost – Annual marginal cost in EUR
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.calc_results.german_network(self)[source]¶
Cut out all network components in Germany
- Returns:
new_network – Network with all components in Germany
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.calc_results.system_costs_germany(self)[source]¶
Calculte system costs for Germany
- Returns:
marginal_cost (float) – Marginal costs for dispatch in Germany
invest_cost (float) – Annualized investment costs for components in Germany
import_costs (float) – Costs for energy imported to Germany minus costs for exports
- etrago.analyze.calc_results.ac_export(self)[source]¶
Calculate the balance of electricity exports and imports over AC lines
- Returns:
Balance of electricity export in MWh (if negative: import from Germany)
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.calc_results.ac_export_per_country(self)[source]¶
Calculate the balance of electricity exports and imports over AC lines per country
- Returns:
Balance of electricity exchange in TWh (if > 0: export from Germany)
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.calc_results.dc_export(self)[source]¶
Calculate the balance of electricity exports and imports over DC lines
- Returns:
Balance of electricity exchange in MWh (if > 0: export from Germany)
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.calc_results.dc_export_per_country(self)[source]¶
Calculate the balance of electricity exports and imports over DC lines per country
- Returns:
Balance of electricity exchange in TWh (if > 0: export from Germany)
- Return type:
etrago.analyze.plot module¶ defines functions necessary to plot results of eTraGo.
- etrago.analyze.plot.set_epsg_network(network)[source]¶
Change EPSG from 4326 to 3857. Needed when using osm-background.
- Parameters:
network (PyPSA network container) –
- etrago.analyze.plot.plot_osm(x, y, zoom, alpha=0.4)[source]¶
Plots openstreetmap as background of network-plots
- etrago.analyze.plot.coloring()[source]¶
Return a dictionary with a color assign to each kind of carrier used in This is used for plotting porpuses.
- Returns:
colors – Color for each kind of carrier.
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.plot_line_loading_diff(networkA, networkB, timestep=0, osm=False)[source]¶
Plot difference in line loading between two networks (with and without switches) as color on lines
Positive values mean that line loading with switches is bigger than without Plot switches as small dots
- Parameters:
networkA (PyPSA network container) – Holds topology of grid with switches including results from powerflow analysis
networkB (PyPSA network container) – Holds topology of grid without switches including results from powerflow analysis
filename (str) – Specify filename If not given, figure will be show directly
timestep (int) – timestep to show, default is 0
osm (bool or dict, e.g. {'x': [1,20], 'y': [47, 56], 'zoom' : 6}) –
If not False, osm is set as background with the following settings as dict:
’x’: array of two floats, x axis boundaries (lat)
’y’: array of two floats, y axis boundaries (long)
’zoom’ : resolution of osm
- etrago.analyze.plot.network_expansion_diff(networkA, networkB, filename=None, boundaries=[], osm=False)[source]¶
Plot relative network expansion derivation of AC- and DC-lines.
- Parameters:
networkA (PyPSA network container) – Holds topology of grid including results from powerflow analysis
networkB (PyPSA network container) – Holds topology of grid including results from powerflow analysis
filename (str or None) – Save figure in this direction
boundaries (array) – Set boundaries of heatmap axis
osm (bool or dict, e.g. {'x': [1,20], 'y': [47, 56], 'zoom' : 6}) –
If not False, osm is set as background with the following settings as dict:
’x’: array of two floats, x axis boundaries (lat)
’y’: array of two floats, y axis boundaries (long)
’zoom’ : resolution of osm
- etrago.analyze.plot.plot_residual_load(network)[source]¶
Plots residual load summed of all exisiting buses.
- Parameters:
network (PyPSA network containter) –
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.plot_stacked_gen(network, bus=None, resolution='GW', filename=None)[source]¶
Plot stacked sum of generation grouped by carrier type
- Parameters:
network (PyPSA network container) –
bus (string) – Plot all generators at one specific bus. If none, sum is calulated for all buses
resolution (string) – Unit for y-axis. Can be either GW/MW/KW
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.plot_gen_diff(networkA, networkB, leave_out_carriers=['geothermal', 'oil', 'other_non_renewable', 'reservoir', 'waste'])[source]¶
Plot difference in generation between two networks grouped by carrier type
- Parameters:
networkA (PyPSA network container with switches) –
networkB (PyPSA network container without switches) –
leave_out_carriers – list of carriers to leave out (default to all small carriers)
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.plot_voltage(network, boundaries=[], osm=False)[source]¶
Plot voltage at buses as hexbin
- Parameters:
network (PyPSA network container) –
boundaries (list of 2 values, setting the lower and upper bound of colorbar) –
osm (bool or dict, e.g. {'x': [1,20], 'y': [47, 56], 'zoom' : 6}) –
If not False, osm is set as background with the following settings as dict:
’x’: array of two floats, x axis boundaries (lat)
’y’: array of two floats, y axis boundaries (long)
’zoom’ : resolution of osm
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.curtailment(network, carrier='solar', filename=None)[source]¶
Plot curtailment of selected carrier
- etrago.analyze.plot.calc_dispatch_per_carrier(network, timesteps, dispatch_type='total')[source]¶
Function that calculates dispatch per carrier in given timesteps
- Parameters:
network (PyPSA network container) – Holds topology of grid including results from powerflow analysis
timesteps (array) – Timesteps considered in dispatch calculation
dispatch_type (str) – This parameter can receive 3 different options: total, ramp_up and ramp_down. The default is total, which plots the total energy supplied by carrier by the given timesteps.
- Returns:
dist – dispatch per carrier
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.calc_storage_expansion_per_bus(network, carriers=['battery', 'H2_overground', 'H2_underground', 'rural_heat_store', 'central_heat_store'])[source]¶
Function that calculates storage expansion per bus and technology
- Parameters:
network (PyPSA network container) – Holds topology of grid including results from powerflow analysis
- Returns:
dist – storage expansion per bus and technology
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.gen_dist_diff(networkA, networkB, techs=None, snapshot=0, n_cols=3, gen_size=0.2, filename=None, buscmap=<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>)[source]¶
Difference in generation distribution Green/Yellow/Red colors mean that the generation at a location is bigger with switches than without Blue colors mean that the generation at a location is smaller with switches than without
- Parameters:
networkA (PyPSA network container) – Holds topology of grid with switches including results from powerflow analysis
networkB (PyPSA network container) – Holds topology of grid without switches including results from powerflow analysis
techs (dict) – type of technologies which shall be plotted
snapshot (int) – snapshot
n_cols (int) – number of columns of the plot
gen_size (num) – size of generation bubbles at the buses
filename (str) – Specify filename If not given, figure will be show directly
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.nodal_gen_dispatch(network, networkB=None, techs=['wind_onshore', 'solar'], item='energy', direction=None, scaling=1, filename=None, osm=False)[source]¶
Plot nodal dispatch or capacity. If networkB is given, difference in dispatch is plotted.
- Parameters:
network (PyPSA network container) – Holds topology of grid including results from powerflow analysis
networkB (PyPSA network container) – If given and item is ‘energy’, difference in dispatch between network and networkB is plotted. If item is ‘capacity’, networkB is ignored. default None
techs (None or list,) – Techs to plot. If None, all techs are plotted. default [‘wind_onshore’, ‘solar’]
item (str) – Specifies the plotted item. Options are ‘energy’ and ‘capacity’. default ‘energy’
direction (str) – Only considered if networkB is given and item is ‘energy’. Specifies the direction of change in dispatch between network and networkB. If ‘positive’, generation per tech which is higher in network than in networkB is plotted. If ‘negative’, generation per tech whcih is lower in network than in networkB is plotted. If ‘absolute’, total change per node is plotted. Green nodes have higher dispatch in network than in networkB. Red nodes have lower dispatch in network than in networkB. default None
scaling (int) – Scaling to change plot sizes. default 1
filename (path to folder) –
osm (bool or dict, e.g. {'x': [1,20], 'y': [47, 56], 'zoom' : 6}) –
If not False, osm is set as background with the following settings as dict:
’x’: array of two floats, x axis boundaries (lat)
’y’: array of two floats, y axis boundaries (long)
’zoom’ : resolution of osm
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.nodal_production_balance(network, timesteps, scaling=1e-05)[source]¶
Function that calculates residual load per node in given timesteps
- Parameters:
network (PyPSA network container) – Holds topology of grid including results from powerflow analysis
timesteps (array) – timesteps considered in calculation
scaling (float, optional) – Scaling factor for bus size. The default is 0.00001.
- Returns:
bus_sizes (pandas.Series) – scaled residual load per node
bus_colors (pandas.Series) – ‘green’ for producer and ‘red’ for consumer
- etrago.analyze.plot.storage_p_soc(network, mean='1H', filename=None)[source]¶
Plots the dispatch and state of charge (SOC) of extendable storages.
- Parameters:
network (PyPSA network container) – Holds topology of grid including results from powerflow analysis
mean (str) – Defines over how many snapshots the p and soc values will averaged.
filename (path to folder) –
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.storage_soc_sorted(network, filename=None)[source]¶
Plots the soc (state-pf-charge) of extendable storages
- Parameters:
network (PyPSA network container) – Holds topology of grid including results from powerflow analysis
filename (path to folder) –
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.mul_weighting(network, timeseries)[source]¶
Returns timeseries considering snapshot_weighting
- Parameters:
network (:class:`pypsa.Network) – Overall container of PyPSA
timeseries (pd.Series) – timeseries not considering snapshot_weighting
- Returns:
timeseries considering snapshot_weightings
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.plotting_colors(network)[source]¶
Add color values to network.carriers
- Parameters:
network (:class:`pypsa.Network) – Overall container of PyPSA
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.calc_network_expansion(network, method='abs', ext_min=0.1)[source]¶
Calculates absolute or relative expansion per AC- and DC-line
- Parameters:
- Returns:
network (:class:`pypsa.Network) – Whole network including not extended lines
extension_lines (pandas.Series) – AC-line expansion
extension_links (pandas.Series) – DC-line expansion
- etrago.analyze.plot.plot_background_grid(network, ax, geographical_boundaries, osm)[source]¶
Plots grid topology in background of other network.plot
- Parameters:
network (:class:`pypsa.Network) – Overall container of PyPSA
ax (matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot) – axes of plot
geographical_boundaries (list) – Set georaphical boundaries for the plots
osm (False or dict.) – False if not osm background map is required or dictionary with x, y and zoom information.
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.demand_side_management(self, buses, snapshots, agg='5h', used=False, apply_on='grid_model')[source]¶
Calculate shifting potential of demand side management
- Parameters:
buses (array) – List of electricity buses.
snapshots (array) – List of snapshots.
agg (str, optional) – Temporal resolution. The default is ‘5h’.
used (boolean, optional) – State if usage should be included in the results. The default is False.
apply_on (str, optional) – Choose which network is plotted. The available networks depend on your settings. The default is ‘grid_model’
- Returns:
df – Shifting potential (and usage) of power (MW) and energy (MWh)
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.bev_flexibility_potential(self, buses, snapshots, agg='5h', used=False, apply_on='grid_model')[source]¶
Calculate shifting potential of electric vehicles
- Parameters:
buses (array) – List of electricity buses.
snapshots (array) – List of snapshots.
agg (str, optional) – Temporal resolution. The default is ‘5h’.
used (boolean, optional) – State if usage should be included in the results. The default is False.
apply_on (str, optional) – Choose which network is plotted. The available networks depend on your settings. The default is ‘grid_model’
- Returns:
df – Shifting potential (and usage) of power (MW) and energy (MWh)
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.heat_stores(self, buses, snapshots, agg='5h', used=False, apply_on='grid_model')[source]¶
Calculate shifting potential (and usage) of heat stores
- Parameters:
buses (array) – List of electricity buses.
snapshots (array) – List of snapshots.
agg (str, optional) – Temporal resolution. The default is ‘5h’.
used (boolean, optional) – State if usage should be included in the results. The default is False.
apply_on (str, optional) – Choose which network is plotted. The available networks depend on your settings. The default is ‘grid_model’
- Returns:
df – Shifting potential (and usage) of power (MW) and energy (MWh)
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.hydrogen_stores(self, buses, snapshots, agg='5h', used=False, apply_on='grid_model')[source]¶
Calculate shifting potential (and usage) of heat stores
- Parameters:
buses (array) – List of electricity buses.
snapshots (array) – List of snapshots.
agg (str, optional) – Temporal resolution. The default is ‘5h’.
used (boolean, optional) – State if usage should be included in the results. The default is False.
apply_on (str, optional) – Choose which network is plotted. The available networks depend on your settings. The default is ‘grid_model’
- Returns:
df – Shifting potential (and usage) of power (MW) and energy (MWh)
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.flexibility_usage(self, flexibility, agg='5h', snapshots=[], buses=[], pre_path=None, apply_on='grid_model')[source]¶
Plots temporal distribution of potential and usage for flexibilities
- Parameters:
flexibility (str) – Name of flexibility option.
agg (str, optional) – Temporal resolution. The default is “5h”.
snapshots (list, optional) – Considered snapshots, if empty all are considered. The default is [].
buses (list, optional) – Considered components at AC buses, if empty all are considered. The default is [].
pre_path (str, optional) – State of and where you want to store the figure. The default is None.
apply_on (str, optional) – Choose which network is plotted. The available networks depend on your settings. The default is ‘grid_model’
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.plot_carrier(etrago, carrier_links=['AC'], carrier_buses=['AC'], apply_on='grid_model')[source]¶
- Parameters:
network (:class:`pypsa.Network) – Overall container of PyPSA
carrier_links (list) – List of links to be plotted. The default is [“AC”].
carrier_buses (list) – List of buses to be plotted. The default is [“AC”].
cartopy (bool, optional) – Provide data about the availability of Cartopy. The default is True.
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.plot_grid(self, line_colors, bus_sizes=0.001, bus_colors='grey', timesteps=range(0, 2), osm=False, boundaries=None, filename=None, apply_on='grid_model', ext_min=0.1, ext_width=False, legend_entries='all', scaling_store_expansion=False, geographical_boundaries=[-2.5, 16, 46.8, 58])[source]¶
Function that plots and results for lines and buses
- Parameters:
line_colors (str) –
Set static line color or attribute to plot e.g. ‘expansion_abs’ Current options:
’line_loading’: mean line loading in p.u. in selected timesteps
’v_nom’: nominal voltage of lines
’expansion_abs’: absolute network expansion in MVA
’expansion_rel’: network expansion in p.u. of existing capacity
’q_flow_max’: maximal reactive flows
’dlr’: energy above nominal capacity
’grey’: plot all lines and DC links grey colored
bus_sizes (float, optional) – Size of buses. The default is 0.001.
bus_colors (str, optional) –
Set static bus color or attribute to plot. The default is ‘grey’. Current options:
- ’nodal_production_balance’: net producer/consumer in selected
time steps
’storage_expansion’: storage expansion per bus and technology
’storage_distribution’: installed storage units per bus
- ’h2_battery_storage_expansion’: storage expansion per bus and
technology for underground and overground H2 and batteries.
’gen_dist’: dispatch per carrier in selected timesteps
’ramp_up’: re-dispatch up per carrier in selected timesteps
’ramp_down’: re-dispatch down per carrier in selected timesteps
’PowerToH2’: location and sizes of electrolyzers
’flexibility_usage’: use of DSM and BEV charger
’PowerToH2_correlation’: indication of degree of correlation to
market or nodal price of electrolyzers
timesteps (array, optional) – Timesteps consideredd in time depended plots. The default is range(2).
osm (bool or dict, e.g. {'x': [1,20], 'y': [47, 56], 'zoom' : 6}) –
If not False, osm is set as background with the following settings as dict:
’x’: array of two floats, x axis boundaries (lat)
’y’: array of two floats, y axis boundaries (long)
’zoom’ : resolution of osm. The default is False.
boundaries (array) – Set fixed boundaries of heatmap axis. The default is None.
filename (str or None) – Save figure in this direction. The default is None.
apply_on (str, optional) – Choose which network is plotted. The available networks depend on your settings. The default is ‘grid_model’
ext_min (float) – Choose minimum relative line extension shown in plot in p.u..
ext_width (float or bool) – Choose if line_width respects line extension. Turn off with ‘False’ or set linear factor to decremise extension line_width. The default is False.
legend_entries (list, optional) – Set the legends for buses to be plotted. The default is ‘all’.
scaling_store_expansion (dict, optional) – Set scaling values to be used per technology for the plots storage_expansion and h2_battery_storage_expansion. The default is False, it could be assinged like this: {“H2”: 50, “heat”: 0.1, “battery”: 10}
geographical_boundaries (list, optional) – Set georaphical boundaries for the plots. This parameter is overwritten when osm is used. The default is [-2.5, 16, 46.8, 58]
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.make_handler_map_to_scale_circles_as_in(ax, dont_resize_actively=False)[source]¶
- etrago.analyze.plot.plot_clusters(self, carrier='AC', save_path=False, transmission_lines=False, gas_pipelines=False)[source]¶
- Parameters:
carrier (str, optional) – This variable set the carrier of the buses that will be plotted. The default is “AC”.
cartopy (bool, optional) – Set it to True when cartopy is installed and the map is supposed to include country’s boundaries and bodies of water
save_path (bool, optional) – Path to save the generated plot. The default is False.
transmission_lines (bool, optional) – The default is False. Define if the original transmission lines are plotted or not.
gas_pipelines (bool, optional) – The default is False. Define if the original gas pipelines are plotted or not.
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.plot_gas_generation(self, t_resolution='20H', save_path=False)[source]¶
Plots timeseries data for gas generation
- etrago.analyze.plot.plot_gas_summary(self, t_resolution='20H', stacked=True, save_path=False)[source]¶
Plots timeseries data for gas loads (and generation)
- Parameters:
self (:class:`Etrago) – Overall container of Etrago
t_resolution (str, optional) – sets the resampling rate of timeseries data to allow for smoother line plots
stacked (bool, optional) – If True all TS data will be shown as stacked area plot. Total gas generation will then also be plotted to check for matching demand and generation.
save_path (bool, optional) – Path to save the generated plot. The default is False.
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.plot_h2_generation(self, t_resolution='20H', save_path=False)[source]¶
Plots timeseries data for H2 generation
- etrago.analyze.plot.plot_h2_summary(self, t_resolution='20H', stacked=True, save_path=False)[source]¶
Plots timeseries data for H2 loads (and generation)
- Parameters:
self (:class:`Etrago) – Overall container of Etrago
t_resolution (str, optional) – sets the resampling rate of timeseries data to allow for smoother line plots
stacked (bool, optional) – If True all TS data will be shown as stacked area plot. Total H2 generation will then also be plotted to check for matching demand and generation.
save_path (bool, optional) – Path to save the generated plot. The default is False.
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.plot_heat_loads(self, t_resolution='20H', save_path=False)[source]¶
Plots timeseries data for heat loads
- etrago.analyze.plot.plot_heat_summary(self, t_resolution='20H', stacked=True, save_path=False)[source]¶
Plots timeseries data for heat generation (and demand)
- Parameters:
self (:class:`Etrago) – Overall container of Etrago
t_resolution (str, optional) – sets the resampling rate of timeseries data to allow for smoother line plots
stacked (bool, optional) – If True all TS data will be shown as stacked area plot. Total heat demand will then also be plotted to check for matching generation and demand.
save_path (bool, optional) – Path to save the generated plot. The default is False.
- Return type:
- etrago.analyze.plot.shifted_energy(self, carrier, buses)[source]¶
Calulate shifted energy for a specific carrier
- etrago.analyze.plot.flexibility_duration_curve(etrago, etrago_lowflex, filename=None)[source]¶
Plot duration curves of flexibility options
- Parameters:
etrago (Etrago) – Object including network with flexibility options
etrago_lowflex (Etrago) – Object including network with less flexibility options
filename (str, optional) – Name of file to save plot. The default is None.
- Return type: