Source code for etrago.cluster.spatial

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016-2023 Flensburg University of Applied Sciences,
# Europa-Universität Flensburg,
# Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems,
# DLR-Institute for Networked Energy Systems

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# File description for read-the-docs
""" defines the methods to run spatial clustering on networks."""

import os

if "READTHEDOCS" not in os.environ:
    from itertools import product
    from math import ceil
    import logging
    import multiprocessing as mp

    from networkx import NetworkXNoPath
    from pypsa.clustering.spatial import (
    from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
    from threadpoolctl import threadpool_limits
    import networkx as nx
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import pypsa

    from import (

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__copyright__ = (
    "Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, "
    "Europa-Universität Flensburg, "
    "Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems, "
    "DLR-Institute for Networked Energy Systems"
__license__ = "GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL-3.0)"
__author__ = (
    "MGlauer, MarlonSchlemminger, mariusves, BartelsJ, gnn, lukasoldi, "
    "ulfmueller, lukasol, ClaraBuettner, CarlosEpia, KathiEsterl, "
    "pieterhexen, fwitte, AmeliaNadal, cjbernal071421"

# TODO: Workaround because of agg

def _make_consense_links(x):
    Ensure that all elements in the input Series `x` are identical, or that
    they are all NaN.

    x : pandas.Series
        A Series containing the values to be checked for consensus.

        The value of the first element in the Series `x`.

    v = x.iat[0]
    assert (
        x == v
    ).all() or x.isnull().all(), (
        f"No consense in table links column {}: \n {x}"
    return v

[docs]def ext_storage(x): v = any(x[x]) return v
[docs]def sum_with_inf(x): if (x == np.inf).any(): return np.inf else: return x.sum()
[docs]def strategies_buses(): return {"geom": nan_links, "country": "first"}
[docs]def strategies_lines(): return { "geom": nan_links, }
[docs]def strategies_one_ports(): return { "StorageUnit": { "marginal_cost": np.mean, "capital_cost": np.mean, "efficiency_dispatch": np.mean, "standing_loss": np.mean, "efficiency_store": np.mean, "p_min_pu": np.min, "p_nom_extendable": ext_storage, "p_nom_max": sum_with_inf, }, "Store": { "marginal_cost": np.mean, "capital_cost": np.mean, "standing_loss": np.mean, "e_nom": np.sum, "e_nom_min": np.sum, "e_nom_max": sum_with_inf, "e_initial": np.sum, "e_min_pu": np.mean, "e_max_pu": np.mean, }, }
[docs]def strategies_generators(): return { "p_nom_min": np.min, "p_nom_max": sum_with_inf, "weight": np.sum, "p_nom": np.sum, "p_nom_opt": np.sum, "marginal_cost": np.mean, "capital_cost": np.mean, "e_nom_max": sum_with_inf, }
[docs]def graph_from_edges(edges): """ Constructs an undirected multigraph from a list containing data on weighted edges. Parameters ---------- edges : list List of tuples each containing first node, second node, weight, key. Returns ------- M : :class:`networkx.classes.multigraph.MultiGraph` """ M = nx.MultiGraph() for e in edges: n0, n1, weight, key = e M.add_edge(n0, n1, weight=weight, key=key) return M
[docs]def gen(nodes, n, graph): # TODO There could be a more convenient way of doing this. This generators # single purpose is to prepare data for multiprocessing's starmap function. """ Generator for applying multiprocessing. Parameters ---------- nodes : list List of nodes in the system. n : int Number of desired multiprocessing units. graph : :class:`networkx.classes.multigraph.MultiGraph` Graph representation of an electrical grid. Returns ------- None """ g = graph.copy() for i in range(0, len(nodes), n): yield (nodes[i : i + n], g)
[docs]def shortest_path(paths, graph): """ Finds the minimum path lengths between node pairs defined in paths. Parameters ---------- paths : list List of pairs containing a source and a target node graph : :class:`networkx.classes.multigraph.MultiGraph` Graph representation of an electrical grid. Returns ------- df : pd.DataFrame DataFrame holding source and target node and the minimum path length. """ idxnames = ["source", "target"] idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(paths, names=idxnames) df = pd.DataFrame(index=idx, columns=["path_length"]) df.sort_index(inplace=True) df_isna = df.isnull() for s, t in paths: while df_isna.loc[(s, t), "path_length"]: try: s_to_other = nx.single_source_dijkstra_path_length(graph, s) for t in idx.levels[1]: if t in s_to_other: df.loc[(s, t), "path_length"] = s_to_other[t] else: df.loc[(s, t), "path_length"] = np.inf except NetworkXNoPath: continue df_isna = df.isnull() return df
[docs]def busmap_by_shortest_path(etrago, fromlvl, tolvl, cpu_cores=4): """ Creates a busmap for the EHV-Clustering between voltage levels based on dijkstra shortest path. The result is automatically written to the `model_draft` on the <OpenEnergyPlatform>[] database with the name `ego_grid_pf_hv_busmap` and the attributes scn_name (scenario name), bus0 (node before clustering), bus1 (node after clustering) and path_length (path length). An AssertionError occurs if buses with a voltage level are not covered by the input lists 'fromlvl' or 'tolvl'. Parameters ---------- network : pypsa.Network Container for all network components. session : sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session object Establishes interactions with the database. fromlvl : list List of voltage-levels to cluster. tolvl : list List of voltage-levels to remain. cpu_cores : int Number of CPU-cores. Returns ------- None """ # data preperation s_buses = buses_grid_linked(, fromlvl) lines = connected_grid_lines(, s_buses) transformer = connected_transformer(, s_buses) mask = transformer.bus1.isin(buses_of_vlvl(, tolvl)) dc =[ == "DC"] dc.index = "DC_" + dc.index lines_plus_dc = pd.concat([lines, dc]) lines_plus_dc = lines_plus_dc[] lines_plus_dc["carrier"] = "AC" # temporary end points, later replaced by bus1 pendant t_buses = transformer[mask].bus0 # create all possible pathways ppaths = list(product(s_buses, t_buses)) # graph creation edges = [ (row.bus0, row.bus1, row.length, ix) for ix, row in lines_plus_dc.iterrows() ] M = graph_from_edges(edges) # applying multiprocessing p = mp.Pool(cpu_cores) chunksize = ceil(len(ppaths) / cpu_cores) container = p.starmap(shortest_path, gen(ppaths, chunksize, M)) df = pd.concat(container) # post processing df.sort_index(inplace=True) df = df.fillna(10000000) mask = df.groupby(level="source")["path_length"].idxmin() df = df.loc[mask, :] # rename temporary endpoints df.reset_index(inplace=True) = dict( zip(,, ) ) ) # append to busmap buses only connected to transformer transformer = idx = list( set(buses_of_vlvl(, fromlvl)).symmetric_difference( set(s_buses) ) ) mask = transformer.bus0.isin(idx) toappend = pd.DataFrame( list(zip(transformer[mask].bus0, transformer[mask].bus1)), columns=["source", "target"], ) toappend["path_length"] = 0 df = pd.concat([df, toappend], ignore_index=True, axis=0) # append all other buses buses =[ == "AC"] mask = buses.index.isin(df.source) assert (buses[~mask].v_nom.astype(int).isin(tolvl)).all() tofill = pd.DataFrame([buses.index[~mask]] * 2).transpose() tofill.columns = ["source", "target"] tofill["path_length"] = 0 df = pd.concat([df, tofill], ignore_index=True, axis=0) df.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) df.rename(columns={"source": "bus0", "target": "bus1"}, inplace=True) busmap = pd.Series(df.bus1.values, index=df.bus0).to_dict() return busmap
[docs]def busmap_ehv_clustering(etrago): """ Generates a busmap that can be used to cluster an electrical network to only extra high voltage buses. If a path to a busmap in a csv file is passed in the arguments, it loads the csv file and returns it. Parameters ---------- etrago : Etrago An instance of the Etrago class Returns ------- busmap : dict Maps old bus_ids to new bus_ids. """ if etrago.args["network_clustering_ehv"]["busmap"] is False: cpu_cores = etrago.args["network_clustering"]["CPU_cores"] if cpu_cores == "max": cpu_cores = mp.cpu_count() else: cpu_cores = int(cpu_cores) busmap = busmap_by_shortest_path( etrago, fromlvl=[110], tolvl=[220, 380, 400, 450], cpu_cores=cpu_cores, ) pd.DataFrame(busmap.items(), columns=["bus0", "bus1"]).to_csv( "ehv_elecgrid_busmap_result.csv", index=False, ) else: busmap = pd.read_csv(etrago.args["network_clustering_ehv"]["busmap"]) busmap = pd.Series( busmap.bus1.apply(str).values, index=busmap.bus0.apply(str) ).to_dict() return busmap
[docs]def kmean_clustering(etrago, selected_network, weight, n_clusters): """ Main function of the k-mean clustering approach. Maps an original network to a new one with adjustable number of nodes and new coordinates. Parameters ---------- network : pypsa.Network Container for all network components. n_clusters : int Desired number of clusters. load_cluster : boolean Loads cluster coordinates from a former calculation. line_length_factor : float Factor to multiply the crow-flies distance between new buses in order to get new line lengths. remove_stubs: boolean Removes stubs and stubby trees (i.e. sequentially reducing dead-ends). use_reduced_coordinates: boolean If True, do not average cluster coordinates, but take from busmap. bus_weight_tocsv : str Creates a bus weighting based on conventional generation and load and save it to a csv file. bus_weight_fromcsv : str Loads a bus weighting from a csv file to apply it to the clustering algorithm. Returns ------- network : pypsa.Network Container for all network components. """ network = kmean_settings = etrago.args["network_clustering"] with threadpool_limits(limits=kmean_settings["CPU_cores"], user_api=None): # remove stubs if kmean_settings["remove_stubs"]: network.determine_network_topology() busmap = busmap_by_stubs(network) network.generators["weight"] = network.generators["p_nom"] aggregate_one_ports = network.one_port_components.copy() aggregate_one_ports.discard("Generator") # reset coordinates to the new reduced guys, rather than taking an # average (copied from pypsa.networkclustering) if kmean_settings["use_reduced_coordinates"]: # TODO : FIX THIS HACK THAT HAS UNEXPECTED SIDE-EFFECTS, # i.e. network is changed in place!! network.buses.loc[busmap.index, ["x", "y"]] = ( network.buses.loc[busmap, ["x", "y"]].values ) clustering = get_clustering_from_busmap( network, busmap, aggregate_generators_weighted=True, one_port_strategies=strategies_one_ports(), generator_strategies=strategies_generators(), aggregate_one_ports=aggregate_one_ports, line_length_factor=kmean_settings["line_length_factor"], ) = weight = weight.groupby(busmap.values).sum() # k-mean clustering busmap = busmap_by_kmeans( selected_network, bus_weightings=pd.Series(weight), n_clusters=n_clusters, n_init=kmean_settings["n_init"], max_iter=kmean_settings["max_iter"], tol=kmean_settings["tol"], random_state=kmean_settings["random_state"], ) return busmap
[docs]def dijkstras_algorithm(buses, connections, medoid_idx, cpu_cores): """ Function for combination of k-medoids Clustering and Dijkstra's algorithm. Creates a busmap assigning the nodes of a original network to the nodes of a clustered network considering the electrical distances based on Dijkstra's shortest path. Parameters ---------- network : pypsa.Network Container for all network components. medoid_idx : pandas.Series Indices of k-medoids busmap_kmedoid: pandas.Series Busmap based on k-medoids clustering cpu_cores: string numbers of cores used during multiprocessing Returns ------- busmap : pandas.Series Mapping from bus ids to medoids ids """ # original data o_buses = buses.index # k-medoids centers medoid_idx = medoid_idx.astype("str") c_buses = medoid_idx.tolist() # list of all possible pathways ppathss = list(product(o_buses, c_buses)) # graph creation edges = [ (row.bus0, row.bus1, row.length, ix) for ix, row in connections.iterrows() ] M = graph_from_edges(edges) # processor count if cpu_cores == "max": cpu_cores = mp.cpu_count() else: cpu_cores = int(cpu_cores) # calculation of shortest path between original points and k-medoids # centers using multiprocessing p = mp.Pool(cpu_cores) chunksize = ceil(len(ppathss) / cpu_cores) container = p.starmap(shortest_path, gen(ppathss, chunksize, M)) df = pd.concat(container) # assignment of data points to closest k-medoids centers df["path_length"] = pd.to_numeric(df["path_length"]) mask = df.groupby(level="source")["path_length"].idxmin() df_dijkstra = df.loc[mask, :] df_dijkstra.reset_index(inplace=True) # delete double entries in df due to multiprocessing df_dijkstra.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) df_dijkstra.index = df_dijkstra["source"] # creation of new busmap with final assignment (format: medoids indices) busmap_ind = pd.Series(df_dijkstra["target"], dtype=object).rename( "final_assignment", inplace=True ) busmap_ind.index = df_dijkstra["source"] # adaption of busmap to format with labels (necessary for aggregation) busmap = busmap_ind.copy() mapping = pd.Series(index=medoid_idx, data=medoid_idx.index) busmap = busmap.index = list(busmap.index.astype(str)) return busmap
[docs]def kmedoids_dijkstra_clustering( etrago, buses, connections, weight, n_clusters ): """ Applies a k-medoids clustering on the given network and calls the function to conduct a Dijkstra's algorithm afterwards for the consideration of the network's topology in the spatial clustering. Parameters ---------- etrago : Etrago An instance of the Etrago class buses : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with information about the buses of the network. connections : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with information about the connections of the network (links or lines). weight : pandas.Series Series with the weight for each bus. n_clusters : int The number of clusters to create. Returns ------- Tuple containing: busmap : pandas.Series Series containing the mapping of buses to their resp. medoids medoid_idx : pandas.Series Series containing the medoid indeces """ settings = etrago.args["network_clustering"] # n_jobs was deprecated for the function fit(). scikit-learn recommends # to use threadpool_limits: # with threadpool_limits(limits=settings["CPU_cores"], user_api=None): # remove stubs if settings["remove_stubs"]: """options remove_stubs and use_reduced_coordinates not reasonable for k-medoids Dijkstra Clustering""" ) bus_weightings = pd.Series(weight) buses_i = buses.index points = buses.loc[buses_i, ["x", "y"]].values.repeat( bus_weightings.reindex(buses_i).astype(int), axis=0 ) kmeans = KMeans( init="k-means++", n_clusters=n_clusters, n_init=settings["n_init"], max_iter=settings["max_iter"], tol=settings["tol"], random_state=settings["random_state"], ) busmap = pd.Series( data=kmeans.predict(buses.loc[buses_i, ["x", "y"]]), index=buses_i, dtype=object, ) # identify medoids per cluster -> k-medoids clustering distances = pd.DataFrame( data=kmeans.transform(buses.loc[buses_i, ["x", "y"]].values), index=buses_i, dtype=object, ) distances = distances.apply(pd.to_numeric) medoid_idx = distances.idxmin() if len(busmap) > n_clusters: # dijkstra's algorithm busmap = dijkstras_algorithm( buses, connections, medoid_idx, etrago.args["network_clustering"]["CPU_cores"], ) elif len(busmap) < n_clusters: logger.warning( f""" The number supplied to the parameter n_clusters for {buses.carrier[0]} buses is larger than the actual number of buses in the network. """ ) = "bus_id" return busmap, medoid_idx
[docs]def drop_nan_values(network): """ Drops nan values after clustering an replaces output data time series with empty dataframes Parameters ---------- network : pypsa.Network Container for all network components. Returns ------- None. """ # Drop nan values after clustering network.links.min_up_time.fillna(0, inplace=True) network.links.min_down_time.fillna(0, inplace=True) network.links.up_time_before.fillna(0, inplace=True) network.links.down_time_before.fillna(0, inplace=True) # Drop nan values in timeseries after clustering for c in network.iterate_components(): for pnl in c.attrs[ (c.attrs.status == "Output") & (c.attrs.varying) ].index: c.pnl[pnl] = pd.DataFrame(index=network.snapshots)