Source code for etrago.cluster.electrical

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016-2023 Flensburg University of Applied Sciences,
# Europa-Universität Flensburg,
# Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems,
# DLR-Institute for Networked Energy Systems

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# File description for read-the-docs
""" defines the methods to cluster power grid networks
spatially for applications within the tool eTraGo."""

import os

if "READTHEDOCS" not in os.environ:
    import logging

    from pypsa import Network
    from pypsa.clustering.spatial import (
    from six import iteritems
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import as io

    from etrago.cluster.spatial import (
    from import set_control_strategies

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__copyright__ = (
    "Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, "
    "Europa-Universität Flensburg, "
    "Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems, "
    "DLR-Institute for Networked Energy Systems"
__license__ = "GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL-3.0)"
__author__ = (
    "MGlauer, MarlonSchlemminger, mariusves, BartelsJ, gnn, lukasoldi, "
    "ulfmueller, lukasol, ClaraBuettner, CarlosEpia, KathiEsterl, "
    "pieterhexen, fwitte, AmeliaNadal, cjbernal071421"

# TODO: Workaround because of agg

def _leading(busmap, df):
    Returns a function that computes the leading bus_id for a given mapped
    list of buses.

    busmap : dict
        A dictionary that maps old bus_ids to new bus_ids.
    df : pandas.DataFrame
        A DataFrame containing network.buses data. Each row corresponds
        to a unique bus

    leader : function
        A function that returns the leading bus_id for the argument `x`.

    def leader(x):
        ix = busmap[x.index[0]]
        return df.loc[ix,]

    return leader

[docs]def adjust_no_electric_network( etrago, busmap, cluster_met, apply_on="grid_model" ): """ Adjusts the non-electric network based on the electrical network (esp. eHV network), adds the gas buses to the busmap, and creates the new buses for the non-electric network. Parameters ---------- etrago : Etrago An instance of the Etrago class. busmap : dict A dictionary that maps old bus_ids to new bus_ids. cluster_met : str A string indicating the clustering method to be used. Returns ------- network : pypsa.Network Container for all network components of the clustered network. busmap : dict Maps old bus_ids to new bus_ids including all sectors. """ def find_de_closest(network, bus_ne): ac_ehv = network.buses[ (network.buses.v_nom > 110) & (network.buses.carrier == "AC") & ( == "DE") ] bus_ne_x = network.buses.loc[bus_ne, "x"] bus_ne_y = network.buses.loc[bus_ne, "y"] ac_ehv["dist"] = ac_ehv.apply( lambda x: ((x.x - bus_ne_x) ** 2 + (x.y - bus_ne_y) ** 2) ** (1 / 2), axis=1, ) new_ehv_bus = ac_ehv.dist.idxmin() return new_ehv_bus if apply_on == "grid_model": network = elif apply_on == "market_model": network = etrago.network_tsa.copy() else: logger.warning( """Parameter apply_on must be either 'grid_model' or 'market_model' """ ) # network2 is supposed to contain all the not electrical or gas buses # and links network2 = network.copy(with_time=False) network2.buses = network2.buses[ (network2.buses["carrier"] != "AC") & (network2.buses["carrier"] != "CH4") & (network2.buses["carrier"] != "H2_grid") & (network2.buses["carrier"] != "rural_heat_store") & (network2.buses["carrier"] != "central_heat") & (network2.buses["carrier"] != "central_heat_store") ] map_carrier = { "H2_saltcavern": "power_to_H2", "dsm": "dsm", "Li ion": "BEV charger", "Li_ion": "BEV_charger", "rural_heat": "rural_heat_pump", } no_elec_conex = [] # busmap2 defines how the no electrical buses directly connected to AC # are going to be clustered busmap2 = {} # Map crossborder AC buses in case that they were not part of the k-mean # clustering if (not etrago.args["network_clustering"]["cluster_foreign_AC"]) & ( cluster_met in ["kmeans", "kmedoids-dijkstra"] ): buses_orig = network.buses.copy() ac_buses_out = buses_orig[ (buses_orig["country"] != "DE") & (buses_orig["carrier"] == "AC") ].dropna(subset=["country", "carrier"]) for bus_out in ac_buses_out.index: busmap2[bus_out] = bus_out foreign_hv = network.buses[ ( != "DE") & (network.buses.carrier == "AC") & (network.buses.v_nom > 110) ].index busmap3 = pd.DataFrame(columns=["elec_bus", "carrier", "cluster"]) for bus_ne in network2.buses.index: carry = network2.buses.loc[bus_ne, "carrier"][bus_ne, "carrier"] = carry try: df = network2.links[ (network2.links["bus1"] == bus_ne) & (network2.links["carrier"] == map_carrier[carry]) ].copy() df["elec"] = df["bus0"].isin(busmap.keys()) bus_hv = df[df["elec"]]["bus0"].iloc[0] bus_ehv = busmap[bus_hv] if bus_ehv not in foreign_hv:[bus_ne, "elec_bus"] = bus_ehv else:[bus_ne, "elec_bus"] = find_de_closest( network, bus_ne ) except: no_elec_conex.append(bus_ne)[bus_ne, "elec_bus"] = bus_ne for a, df in busmap3.groupby(["elec_bus", "carrier"]): busmap3.loc[df.index, "cluster"] = df.index[0] busmap3 = busmap3["cluster"].to_dict() if no_elec_conex: f"""There are {len(no_elec_conex)} buses that have no direct connection to the electric network: {no_elec_conex}""" ) # rural_heat_store buses are clustered based on the AC buses connected to # their corresponding rural_heat buses. Results saved in busmap4 links_rural_store =[ == "rural_heat_store_charger" ].copy() busmap4 = {} links_rural_store["to_ac"] = links_rural_store["bus0"].map(busmap3) for rural_heat_bus, df in links_rural_store.groupby("to_ac"): cluster_bus = df.bus1.iat[0] for rural_store_bus in df.bus1: busmap4[rural_store_bus] = cluster_bus # Add the gas buses to the busmap and map them to themself for gas_bus in network.buses[ (network.buses["carrier"] == "H2_grid") | (network.buses["carrier"] == "CH4") | (network.buses["carrier"] == "central_heat") | (network.buses["carrier"] == "central_heat_store") ].index: busmap2[gas_bus] = gas_bus busmap = {**busmap, **busmap2, **busmap3, **busmap4} return network, busmap
[docs]def cluster_on_extra_high_voltage(etrago, busmap, with_time=True): """ Main function of the EHV-Clustering approach. Creates a new clustered pypsa.Network given a busmap mapping all bus_ids to other bus_ids of the same network. Parameters ---------- etrago : Etrago An instance of the Etrago class busmap : dict Maps old bus_ids to new bus_ids. with_time : bool If true time-varying data will also be aggregated. Returns ------- network : pypsa.Network Container for all network components of the clustered network. busmap : dict Maps old bus_ids to new bus_ids including all sectors. """ network_c = Network() network, busmap = adjust_no_electric_network( etrago, busmap, cluster_met="ehv" ) buses = aggregatebuses( network, busmap, { "x": _leading(busmap, network.buses), "y": _leading(busmap, network.buses), "geom": lambda x: np.nan, "country": lambda x: "", }, ) # keep attached lines lines = network.lines.copy() mask = lines.bus0.isin(buses.index) lines = lines.loc[mask, :] # keep attached transformer transformers = network.transformers.copy() mask = transformers.bus0.isin(buses.index) transformers = transformers.loc[mask, :] io.import_components_from_dataframe(network_c, buses, "Bus") io.import_components_from_dataframe(network_c, lines, "Line") io.import_components_from_dataframe(network_c, transformers, "Transformer") # Dealing with links links = network.links.copy() dc_links = links[links["carrier"] == "DC"] # Discard links connected to buses under 220 kV dc_links = dc_links[dc_links.bus0.isin(buses.index)] links = links[links["carrier"] != "DC"] new_links = ( links.assign(, .dropna(subset=["bus0", "bus1"]) .loc[lambda df: df.bus0 != df.bus1] ) new_links = pd.concat([new_links, dc_links]) new_links["topo"] = np.nan io.import_components_from_dataframe(network_c, new_links, "Link") if with_time: network_c.snapshots = network.snapshots network_c.set_snapshots(network.snapshots) network_c.snapshot_weightings = network.snapshot_weightings.copy() for attr, df in network.lines_t.items(): mask = df.columns[df.columns.isin(lines.index)] df = df.loc[:, mask] if not df.empty: io.import_series_from_dataframe(network_c, df, "Line", attr) for attr, df in network.links_t.items(): mask = df.columns[df.columns.isin(links.index)] df = df.loc[:, mask] if not df.empty: io.import_series_from_dataframe(network_c, df, "Link", attr) # dealing with generators # network.generators["weight"] = 1 for one_port in network.one_port_components.copy(): if one_port == "Generator": custom_strategies = strategies_generators() else: custom_strategies = strategies_one_ports().get(one_port, {}) new_df, new_pnl = aggregateoneport( network, busmap, component=one_port, with_time=with_time, custom_strategies=custom_strategies, ) io.import_components_from_dataframe(network_c, new_df, one_port) for attr, df in iteritems(new_pnl): io.import_series_from_dataframe(network_c, df, one_port, attr) network_c.links, network_c.links_t = group_links(network_c) network_c.determine_network_topology() return (network_c, busmap)
[docs]def delete_ehv_buses_no_lines(network): """ When there are AC buses totally isolated, this function deletes them in order to make possible the creation of busmaps based on electrical connections and other purposes. Additionally, it throws a warning to inform the user in case that any correction should be done. Parameters ---------- network : Returns ------- None """ lines = network.lines buses_ac = network.buses[ (network.buses.carrier == "AC") & ( == "DE") ] buses_in_lines = set(list(lines.bus0) + list(lines.bus1)) buses_ac["with_line"] = buses_ac.index.isin(buses_in_lines) buses_ac["with_load"] = buses_ac.index.isin(network.loads.bus) buses_in_links = list(network.links.bus0) + list(network.links.bus1) buses_ac["with_link"] = buses_ac.index.isin(buses_in_links) buses_ac["with_gen"] = buses_ac.index.isin(network.generators.bus) delete_buses = buses_ac[ (~buses_ac["with_line"]) & (~buses_ac["with_load"]) & (~buses_ac["with_link"]) & (~buses_ac["with_gen"]) ].index if len(delete_buses): f""" ----------------------- WARNING --------------------------- THE FOLLOWING BUSES WERE DELETED BECAUSE THEY WERE ISOLATED: {delete_buses.to_list()}. IT IS POTENTIALLY A SIGN OF A PROBLEM IN THE DATASET ----------------------- WARNING --------------------------- """ ) network.mremove("Bus", delete_buses) delete_trafo = network.transformers[ (network.transformers.bus0.isin(delete_buses)) | (network.transformers.bus1.isin(delete_buses)) ].index network.mremove("Transformer", delete_trafo) delete_sto_units = network.storage_units[ network.storage_units.bus.isin(delete_buses) ].index network.mremove("StorageUnit", delete_sto_units) return
[docs]def ehv_clustering(self): """ Cluster the network based on Extra High Voltage (EHV) grid. If 'active' in the `network_clustering_ehv` argument is True, the function clusters the network based on the EHV grid. Parameters ---------- self: Etrago object pointer The object pointer for an Etrago object. Returns ------- None """ if self.args["network_clustering_ehv"]["active"]:"Start ehv clustering") delete_ehv_buses_no_lines( busmap = busmap_ehv_clustering(self), busmap = cluster_on_extra_high_voltage( self, busmap, with_time=True ) self.update_busmap(busmap) self.buses_by_country() # Drop nan values in timeseries after clustering drop_nan_values("Network clustered to EHV-grid")
[docs]def select_elec_network(etrago, apply_on="grid_model"): """ Selects the electric network based on the clustering settings specified in the Etrago object. Parameters ---------- etrago : Etrago An instance of the Etrago class apply_on: str gives information about the objective of the output network. If "grid_model" is provided, the value assigned in the args for ["network_clustering"]["cluster_foreign_AC""] will define if the foreign buses will be included in the network. if "market_model" is provided, foreign buses will be always included. Returns ------- Tuple containing: elec_network : pypsa.Network Contains the electric network n_clusters : int number of clusters used in the clustering process. """ if apply_on == "grid_model": elec_network = elif apply_on == "market_model": elec_network = etrago.network_tsa.copy() else: logger.warning( """Parameter apply_on must be either 'grid_model' or 'market_model' """ ) settings = etrago.args["network_clustering"] if apply_on == "grid_model": include_foreign = settings["cluster_foreign_AC"] elif apply_on == "market_model": include_foreign = True else: raise ValueError( """Parameter apply_on must be either 'grid_model' or 'market_model' """ ) if include_foreign: elec_network.buses = elec_network.buses[ elec_network.buses.carrier == "AC" ] elec_network.links = elec_network.links[ (elec_network.links.carrier == "AC") | (elec_network.links.carrier == "DC") ] n_clusters = settings["n_clusters_AC"] else: AC_filter = elec_network.buses.carrier.values == "AC" foreign_buses = elec_network.buses[ ( != "DE") & (elec_network.buses.carrier == "AC") ] num_neighboring_country = len( foreign_buses[foreign_buses.index.isin(elec_network.loads.bus)] ) elec_network.buses = elec_network.buses[ AC_filter & ( == "DE") ] n_clusters = settings["n_clusters_AC"] - num_neighboring_country # Dealing with generators elec_network.generators = elec_network.generators[ elec_network.generators.bus.isin(elec_network.buses.index) ] for attr in elec_network.generators_t: elec_network.generators_t[attr] = elec_network.generators_t[attr].loc[ :, elec_network.generators_t[attr].columns.isin( elec_network.generators.index ), ] # Dealing with loads elec_network.loads = elec_network.loads[ elec_network.loads.bus.isin(elec_network.buses.index) ] for attr in elec_network.loads_t: elec_network.loads_t[attr] = elec_network.loads_t[attr].loc[ :, elec_network.loads_t[attr].columns.isin(elec_network.loads.index), ] # Dealing with storage_units elec_network.storage_units = elec_network.storage_units[ elec_network.storage_units.bus.isin(elec_network.buses.index) ] for attr in elec_network.storage_units_t: elec_network.storage_units_t[attr] = elec_network.storage_units_t[ attr ].loc[ :, elec_network.storage_units_t[attr].columns.isin( elec_network.storage_units.index ), ] # Dealing with stores elec_network.stores = elec_network.stores[ elec_network.stores.bus.isin(elec_network.buses.index) ] for attr in elec_network.stores_t: elec_network.stores_t[attr] = elec_network.stores_t[attr].loc[ :, elec_network.stores_t[attr].columns.isin( elec_network.stores.index ), ] return elec_network, n_clusters
[docs]def unify_foreign_buses(etrago): """ Unifies foreign AC buses into clusters using the k-medoids algorithm with Dijkstra distance as a similarity measure. Parameters ---------- etrago : Etrago An instance of the Etrago class Returns ------- busmap_foreign : pd.Series A pandas series that maps the foreign buses to their respective clusters. The series index is the bus ID and the values are the corresponding cluster medoid IDs. """ network = foreign_buses = network.buses[ ( != "DE") & (network.buses.carrier == "AC") ] foreign_buses_load = foreign_buses[ (foreign_buses.index.isin(network.loads.bus)) & (foreign_buses.carrier == "AC") ] lines_col = network.lines.columns # The Dijkstra clustering works using the shortest electrical path between # buses. In some cases, a bus has just DC connections, which are considered # links. Therefore it is necessary to include temporarily the DC links # into the lines table. dc = network.links[network.links.carrier == "DC"] str1 = "DC_" dc.index = f"{str1}" + dc.index lines_plus_dc = lines_plus_dc = pd.concat([network.lines, dc]) lines_plus_dc = lines_plus_dc[lines_col] lines_plus_dc["carrier"] = "AC" busmap_foreign = pd.Series(dtype=str) for country, df in foreign_buses.groupby(by="country"): weight = df.apply( lambda x: 1 if in foreign_buses_load.index else 0, axis=1, ) n_clusters = ( == country).sum() if n_clusters < len(df): ( busmap_country, medoid_idx_country, ) = kmedoids_dijkstra_clustering( etrago, df, lines_plus_dc, weight, n_clusters ) medoid_idx_country.index = medoid_idx_country.index.astype(str) busmap_country = busmap_foreign = pd.concat([busmap_foreign, busmap_country]) else: for bus in df.index: busmap_foreign[bus] = bus = "foreign" = "bus" return busmap_foreign
[docs]def preprocessing(etrago, apply_on="grid_model"): """ Preprocesses an Etrago object to prepare it for network clustering. Parameters ---------- etrago : Etrago An instance of the Etrago class apply_on : string provide information about the objective of the preprocessing. Which process is going to use the result. e.g. "grid_model", "market_model". Returns ------- network_elec : pypsa.Network Container for all network components of the electrical network. weight : pandas.Series A pandas.Series with the bus weighting data. n_clusters : int The number of clusters to use for network clustering. busmap_foreign : pandas.Series The Series object with the foreign bus mapping data. """ if apply_on == "grid_model": network = elif apply_on == "market_model": network = etrago.network_tsa else: logger.warning( """Parameter apply_on must be either 'grid_model' or 'market_model' """ ) settings = etrago.args["network_clustering"] # problem our lines have no v_nom. this is implicitly defined by the # connected buses: network.lines["v_nom"] = # adjust the electrical parameters of the lines which are not 380. lines_v_nom_b = network.lines.v_nom != 380 voltage_factor = (network.lines.loc[lines_v_nom_b, "v_nom"] / 380.0) ** 2 network.lines.loc[lines_v_nom_b, "x"] *= 1 / voltage_factor network.lines.loc[lines_v_nom_b, "r"] *= 1 / voltage_factor network.lines.loc[lines_v_nom_b, "b"] *= voltage_factor network.lines.loc[lines_v_nom_b, "g"] *= voltage_factor network.lines.loc[lines_v_nom_b, "v_nom"] = 380.0 trafo_index = network.transformers.index if not trafo_index.empty: transformer_voltages = pd.concat( [,, ], axis=1, ) network.import_components_from_dataframe( network.transformers.loc[ :, [ "bus0", "bus1", "x", "s_nom", "capital_cost", "sub_network", "s_max_pu", "lifetime", ], ] .assign( x=network.transformers.x * (380.0 / transformer_voltages.max(axis=1)) ** 2, length=1, v_nom=380.0, ) .set_index("T" + trafo_index), "Line", ) network.lines.carrier = "AC" network.transformers.drop(trafo_index, inplace=True) for attr in network.transformers_t: network.transformers_t[attr] = network.transformers_t[ attr ].reindex(columns=[]) elif trafo_index.empty:"Your network does not have any transformer") network.buses["v_nom"].loc[network.buses.carrier.values == "AC"] = 380.0 if f""" ----------------------- WARNING --------------------------- THE FOLLOWING BUSES HAVE NOT COUNTRY DATA: {network.buses[].index.to_list()}. THEY WILL BE ASSIGNED TO GERMANY, BUT IT IS POTENTIALLY A SIGN OF A PROBLEM IN THE DATASET. ----------------------- WARNING --------------------------- """ )[] = "DE" if settings["k_elec_busmap"] is False: busmap_foreign = unify_foreign_buses(etrago) else: busmap_foreign = pd.Series(name="foreign", dtype=str) network_elec, n_clusters = select_elec_network(etrago, apply_on=apply_on) if settings["method"] == "kmedoids-dijkstra": lines_col = network_elec.lines.columns # The Dijkstra clustering works using the shortest electrical path # between buses. In some cases, a bus has just DC connections, which # are considered links. Therefore it is necessary to include # temporarily the DC links into the lines table. dc = network.links[network.links.carrier == "DC"] str1 = "DC_" dc.index = f"{str1}" + dc.index lines_plus_dc = lines_plus_dc = pd.concat([network_elec.lines, dc]) lines_plus_dc = lines_plus_dc[lines_col] network_elec.lines = lines_plus_dc.copy() network_elec.lines["carrier"] = "AC" # State whether to create a bus weighting and save it, create or not save # it, or use a bus weighting from a csv file if settings["bus_weight_tocsv"] is not None: weight = weighting_for_scenario( network=network_elec, save=settings["bus_weight_tocsv"] ) elif settings["bus_weight_fromcsv"] is not None: weight = pd.read_csv( settings["bus_weight_fromcsv"], index_col="Bus", squeeze=True ) weight.index = weight.index.astype(str) else: weight = weighting_for_scenario(network=network_elec, save=False) return network_elec, weight, n_clusters, busmap_foreign
[docs]def postprocessing( etrago, busmap, busmap_foreign, medoid_idx=None, aggregate_generators_carriers=None, aggregate_links=True, apply_on="grid_model", ): """ Postprocessing function for network clustering. Parameters ---------- etrago : Etrago An instance of the Etrago class busmap : pandas.Series mapping between buses and clusters busmap_foreign : pandas.DataFrame mapping between foreign buses and clusters medoid_idx : pandas.DataFrame mapping between cluster indices and medoids Returns ------- Tuple containing: clustering : Network object containing the clustered network busmap : pandas.Series Updated mapping between buses and clusters """ settings = etrago.args["network_clustering"] method = settings["method"] num_clusters = settings["n_clusters_AC"] if not settings["k_elec_busmap"]: = "cluster" busmap_elec = pd.DataFrame(busmap.copy(), dtype="string") = "bus" busmap_elec = busmap_elec.join(busmap_foreign, how="outer") busmap_elec = busmap_elec.join( pd.Series( medoid_idx.index.values.astype(str), medoid_idx, name="medoid_idx", ) ) busmap_elec.to_csv( f"{method}_elecgrid_busmap_{num_clusters}_result.csv" ) else:"Import Busmap for spatial clustering") busmap_foreign = pd.read_csv( settings["k_elec_busmap"], dtype={"bus": str, "foreign": str}, usecols=["bus", "foreign"], index_col="bus", ).dropna()["foreign"] busmap = pd.read_csv( settings["k_elec_busmap"], usecols=["bus", "cluster"], dtype={"bus": str, "cluster": str}, index_col="bus", ).dropna()["cluster"] medoid_idx = pd.read_csv( settings["k_elec_busmap"], usecols=["bus", "medoid_idx"], index_col="bus", ).dropna()["medoid_idx"] medoid_idx = pd.Series( medoid_idx.index.values.astype(str), medoid_idx.values.astype(int) ) network, busmap = adjust_no_electric_network( etrago, busmap, cluster_met=method, apply_on=apply_on ) # merge busmap for foreign buses with the German buses if not settings["cluster_foreign_AC"]: for bus in busmap_foreign.index: busmap[bus] = busmap_foreign[bus] if bus == busmap_foreign[bus]: medoid_idx[bus] = bus medoid_idx.index = medoid_idx.index.astype("int") network.generators["weight"] = network.generators["p_nom"] aggregate_one_ports = network.one_port_components.copy() aggregate_one_ports.discard("Generator") clustering = get_clustering_from_busmap( network, busmap, aggregate_generators_weighted=True, aggregate_generators_carriers=aggregate_generators_carriers, one_port_strategies=strategies_one_ports(), generator_strategies=strategies_generators(), aggregate_one_ports=aggregate_one_ports, line_length_factor=settings["line_length_factor"], bus_strategies=strategies_buses(), line_strategies=strategies_lines(), ) # Drop nan values after clustering drop_nan_values( if method == "kmedoids-dijkstra": for i in[ == "AC" ].index: cluster = int(i) if cluster in medoid_idx.index: medoid = str(medoid_idx.loc[cluster])[i, "x"] =[ "x" ].loc[medoid][i, "y"] =[ "y" ].loc[medoid] if aggregate_links:, = group_links( ) return (clustering, busmap)
[docs]def weighting_for_scenario(network, save=None): """ define bus weighting based on generation, load and storage Parameters ---------- network : Each bus in this network will receive a weight based on the generator, load and storages also available in the network object. save : str or bool, optional If defined, the result of the weighting will be saved in the path supplied here. The default is None. Returns ------- weight : pandas.series Serie with the weight assigned to each bus to perform a k-mean clustering. """ def calc_availability_factor(gen): """ Calculate the availability factor for a given generator. Parameters ----------- gen : pandas.DataFrame A `pypsa.Network.generators` DataFrame. Returns ------- cf : float The availability factor of the generator. Notes ----- Availability factor is defined as the ratio of the average power output of the generator over the maximum power output capacity of the generator. If the generator is time-dependent, its average power output is calculated using the `network.generators_t` DataFrame. Otherwise, its availability factor is obtained from the `fixed_capacity_fac` dictionary, which contains pre-defined factors for fixed capacity generators. If the generator's availability factor cannot be found in the dictionary, it is assumed to be 1. """ if in network.generators_t.p_max_pu.columns: cf = network.generators_t["p_max_pu"].loc[:,].mean() else: cf = network.generators.loc[, "p_max_pu"] return cf gen = network.generators[network.generators.carrier != "load shedding"][ ["bus", "carrier", "p_nom"] ].copy() gen["cf"] = gen.apply(calc_availability_factor, axis=1) gen["weight"] = gen["p_nom"] * gen["cf"] gen = ( gen.groupby("bus") .weight.sum() .reindex(network.buses.index, fill_value=0.0) ) storage = ( network.storage_units.groupby("bus") .p_nom.sum() .reindex(network.buses.index, fill_value=0.0) ) load = ( network.loads_t.p_set.mean() .groupby(network.loads.bus) .sum() .reindex(network.buses.index, fill_value=0.0) ) w = gen + storage + load weight = ((w * (100000.0 / w.max())).astype(int)).reindex( network.buses.index, fill_value=1 ) weight[weight == 0] = 1 if save: weight.to_csv(save) return weight
[docs]def run_spatial_clustering(self): """ Main method for running spatial clustering on the electrical network. Allows for clustering based on k-means and k-medoids dijkstra. Parameters ----------- self The object pointer for an Etrago object containing all relevant parameters and data Returns ------- None """ if self.args["network_clustering"]["active"]: if self.args["spatial_disaggregation"] is not None: self.disaggregated_network = else: self.disaggregated_network = elec_network, weight, n_clusters, busmap_foreign = preprocessing(self) if self.args["network_clustering"]["method"] == "kmeans": if not self.args["network_clustering"]["k_elec_busmap"]:"Start k-means Clustering") busmap = kmean_clustering( self, elec_network, weight, n_clusters ) medoid_idx = pd.Series(dtype=str) else: busmap = pd.Series(dtype=str) medoid_idx = pd.Series(dtype=str) elif self.args["network_clustering"]["method"] == "kmedoids-dijkstra": if not self.args["network_clustering"]["k_elec_busmap"]:"Start k-medoids Dijkstra Clustering") busmap, medoid_idx = kmedoids_dijkstra_clustering( self, elec_network.buses, elec_network.lines, weight, n_clusters, ) else: busmap = pd.Series(dtype=str) medoid_idx = pd.Series(dtype=str) clustering, busmap = postprocessing( self, busmap, busmap_foreign, medoid_idx ) self.update_busmap(busmap) = self.buses_by_country() self.geolocation_buses() # The control parameter is overwritten in pypsa's clustering. # The function network.determine_network_topology is called, # which sets slack bus(es). set_control_strategies( "Network clustered to {} buses with ".format( self.args["network_clustering"]["n_clusters_AC"] ) + self.args["network_clustering"]["method"] )