Source code for etrago.cluster.snapshot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016-2023  Flensburg University of Applied Sciences,
# Europa-Universität Flensburg,
# Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# File description for read-the-docs
""" This module contains functions for reducing the complexity of a PyPSA
 network in temporal dimension by
a) downsampling to every n-th snapshot
b) clustering to typical periods (eg days, weeks)
c) clustering to segments of variable length
Essentially used is the tsam package
( ) developed by Leander Kotzur et al.

import os

import pandas as pd

if "READTHEDOCS" not in os.environ:
    import tsam.timeseriesaggregation as tsam

__copyright__ = (
    "Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, "
    "Europa-Universität Flensburg, "
    "Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems"
__license__ = "GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL-3.0)"
__author__ = """ClaraBuettner, ulfmueller, KathiEsterl, simnh, wheitkoetter,
 BartelsJ, AmeliaNadal"""

[docs]def snapshot_clustering(self): """ Function to call the snapshot clustering function with the respecting method and settings. Raises ------ ValueError When calling a non-available function. Returns ------- None. """ if self.args["snapshot_clustering"]["active"]: # save second network for optional dispatch disaggregation if self.args["temporal_disaggregation"]["active"]: self.network_tsa = if self.args["snapshot_clustering"]["method"] == "segmentation": = run(, n_clusters=1, segmented_to=self.args["snapshot_clustering"]["n_segments"], extreme_periods=self.args["snapshot_clustering"][ "extreme_periods" ], ) elif self.args["snapshot_clustering"]["method"] == "typical_periods": = run(, n_clusters=self.args["snapshot_clustering"]["n_clusters"], how=self.args["snapshot_clustering"]["how"], extreme_periods=self.args["snapshot_clustering"][ "extreme_periods" ], ) else: raise ValueError( """Type of clustering should be 'typical_periods' or 'segmentation'""" )
[docs]def tsam_cluster( timeseries_df, typical_periods=10, how="daily", extremePeriodMethod="None", segmentation=False, segment_no=10, segm_hoursperperiod=24, ): """ Conducts the clustering of the snapshots for temporal aggregation with the respecting method. Parameters ---------- timeseries_df : pd.DataFrame Dataframe wit timeseries to cluster. typical_periods : int, optional Number of clusters for typical_periods. The default is 10. how : {'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly'}, optional Definition of period for typical_periods. The default is 'daily'. extremePeriodMethod : {'None','append','new_cluster_center', 'replace_cluster_center'}, optional Method to consider extreme snapshots in reduced timeseries. The default is 'None'. segmentation : boolean, optional Argument to activate segmenation method. The default is False. segment_no : int, optional Number of segments for segmentation. The default is 10. segm_hoursperperiod : int, optional Only for segmentation, ensures to cluster to segments considering all snapshots. The default is 24. Returns ------- df_cluster : pd.DataFrame Information on cluster after clustering to typical periods. cluster_weights : dict Weightings per cluster after clustering to typical periods. dates : DatetimeIndex Dates of clusters after clustering to typical periods. hours : int Hours per typical period. df_i_h : pd.DataFrame Information on cluster after clustering to typical periods. timeseries : pd.DataFrame Information on segments after segmentation. """ if how == "daily": hours = 24 period = " days" elif how == "weekly": hours = 168 period = " weeks" elif how == "monthly": hours = 720 period = " months" elif how == "hourly": hours = 1 period = " hours" if segmentation: hoursPerPeriod = segm_hoursperperiod hours = 1 else: hoursPerPeriod = hours # define weight for weightDict: # residual load should not impact cluster findings, # but only be the optional parameter to choose an extreme period weight = pd.Series(data=1, index=timeseries_df.columns) weight["residual_load"] = 0 weight = weight.to_dict() aggregation = tsam.TimeSeriesAggregation( timeseries_df, noTypicalPeriods=typical_periods, extremePeriodMethod=extremePeriodMethod, addPeakMin=["residual_load"], addPeakMax=["residual_load"], rescaleClusterPeriods=False, hoursPerPeriod=hoursPerPeriod, clusterMethod="hierarchical", segmentation=segmentation, noSegments=segment_no, weightDict=weight, ) if segmentation: print( "Snapshot clustering to " + str(segment_no) + " segments" + "\n" + "Using extreme period method: " + extremePeriodMethod ) else: print( "Snapshot clustering to " + str(typical_periods) + period + "\n" + "Using extreme period method: " + extremePeriodMethod ) timeseries_creator = aggregation.createTypicalPeriods() timeseries = timeseries_creator.copy() # If Segmentation is True, insert 'Dates' and 'SegmentNo' column in # timeseries if segmentation: weights = timeseries.index.get_level_values(2) dates_df = timeseries_df.index.get_level_values(0) dates = [] segmentno = [] wcount = 0 count = 0 for weight in weights: dates.append(dates_df[wcount]) wcount = wcount + weight segmentno.append(count) count = count + 1 timeseries.insert(0, "dates", dates, True) timeseries.insert(1, "SegmentNo", segmentno, True) timeseries.insert(2, "SegmentDuration", weights, True) timeseries.set_index( ["dates", "SegmentNo", "SegmentDuration"], inplace=True ) if "Unnamed: 0" in timeseries.columns: del timeseries["Unnamed: 0"] if "Segment Step" in timeseries.columns: del timeseries["Segment Step"] # print(timeseries) cluster_weights = aggregation.clusterPeriodNoOccur clusterOrder = aggregation.clusterOrder clusterCenterIndices = aggregation.clusterCenterIndices if segmentation: if extremePeriodMethod != "None": timeseries = segmentation_extreme_periods( timeseries_df, timeseries, extremePeriodMethod ) else: if extremePeriodMethod == "new_cluster_center": for i in aggregation.extremePeriods.keys(): clusterCenterIndices.insert( aggregation.extremePeriods[i]["newClusterNo"], aggregation.extremePeriods[i]["stepNo"], ) if extremePeriodMethod == "append": for i in aggregation.extremePeriods.keys(): clusterCenterIndices.insert( aggregation.extremePeriods[i]["clusterNo"], aggregation.extremePeriods[i]["stepNo"], ) # get all index for every hour of that day of the clusterCenterIndices start = [] # get the first hour of the clusterCenterIndices (days start with 0) for i in clusterCenterIndices: start.append(i * hours) # get a list with all hours belonging to the clusterCenterIndices nrhours = [] for j in start: nrhours.append(j) x = 1 while x < hours: j = j + 1 nrhours.append(j) x = x + 1 # get the origial Datetimeindex dates = timeseries_df.iloc[nrhours].index # get list of representative days representative_day = [] # cluster:medoid des jeweiligen Clusters dic_clusterCenterIndices = dict(enumerate(clusterCenterIndices)) for i in clusterOrder: representative_day.append(dic_clusterCenterIndices[i]) # get list of last and first hour of representative days last_hour_datetime = [] for i in representative_day: last_hour = i * hours + hours - 1 last_hour_datetime.append(timeseries_df.index[last_hour]) # create a dataframe (index=nr. of day in a year/candidate) df_cluster = pd.DataFrame( { "Cluster": clusterOrder, # Cluster of the day "RepresentativeDay": representative_day, # representative day of # the cluster "last_hour_RepresentativeDay": last_hour_datetime, } ) # last hour of the cluster df_cluster.index = df_cluster.index + 1 = "Candidate" # create a dataframe each timeseries (h) and its candiddate day (i) df_i_h nr_day = [] x = len(timeseries_df.index) / hours + 1 for i in range(1, int(x)): j = 1 while j <= hours: nr_day.append(i) j = j + 1 df_i_h = pd.DataFrame( {"Timeseries": timeseries_df.index, "Candidate_day": nr_day} ) df_i_h.set_index("Timeseries", inplace=True) return df_cluster, cluster_weights, dates, hours, df_i_h, timeseries
[docs]def segmentation_extreme_periods( timeseries_df, timeseries, extremePeriodMethod ): """ Function to consider extreme snapshots while using segmentation. Parameters ---------- timeseries_df : pd.DataFrame Dataframe wit timeseries to cluster. timeseries : pd.DataFrame Information on segments after segmentation. extremePeriodMethod : {'None','append','new_cluster_center', 'replace_cluster_center'}, optional method to consider extreme snapshots in reduced timeseries. The default is 'None'. Raises ------ ValueError When calling wrong method to consider extreme values. Returns ------- timeseries : pd.DataFrame Information on segments including extreme snapshots after segmentation. """ # find maximum / minimum value in residual load maxi = timeseries_df["residual_load"].idxmax() mini = timeseries_df["residual_load"].idxmin() # add timestep if it is not already calculated if maxi not in timeseries.index.get_level_values("dates"): # identifiy timestep, adapt it to timeseries-df and add it max_val = timeseries_df.loc[maxi].copy() max_val["SegmentNo"] = len(timeseries) max_val["SegmentDuration"] = 1 max_val["dates"] = max_val = pd.DataFrame(max_val).transpose() if extremePeriodMethod == "append": max_val.set_index( ["dates", "SegmentNo", "SegmentDuration"], inplace=True ) timeseries = timeseries.append(max_val) timeseries = timeseries.sort_values(by="dates") # split up segment in which the extreme timestep was added i = -1 for date in timeseries.index.get_level_values("dates"): if date < maxi: i = i + 1 else: timeseries[ "SegmentDuration_Extreme" ] = timeseries.index.get_level_values("SegmentDuration") old_row = timeseries.iloc[i].copy() old_row = pd.DataFrame(old_row).transpose() delta_t = ( timeseries.index.get_level_values("dates")[i + 1] - timeseries.index.get_level_values("dates")[i] ) delta_t = delta_t.total_seconds() / 3600 timeseries["SegmentDuration_Extreme"].iloc[i] = delta_t timeseries_df["row_no"] = range(0, len(timeseries_df)) new_row = int(timeseries_df.loc[maxi]["row_no"]) + 1 new_date = timeseries_df[ timeseries_df.row_no == new_row ].index if new_date.isin( timeseries.index.get_level_values("dates") ): timeseries[ "dates" ] = timeseries.index.get_level_values("dates") timeseries[ "SegmentNo" ] = timeseries.index.get_level_values("SegmentNo") timeseries["SegmentDuration"] = timeseries[ "SegmentDuration_Extreme" ] timeseries.drop( "SegmentDuration_Extreme", axis=1, inplace=True ) timeseries.set_index( ["dates", "SegmentNo", "SegmentDuration"], inplace=True, ) break else: new_row = timeseries_df.iloc[new_row].copy() new_row.drop("row_no", inplace=True) new_row["SegmentNo"] = len(timeseries) new_row["SegmentDuration"] = ( old_row["SegmentDuration_Extreme"][0] - delta_t - 1 ) new_row["dates"] = new_row = pd.DataFrame(new_row).transpose() new_row.set_index( ["dates", "SegmentNo", "SegmentDuration"], inplace=True, ) for col in new_row.columns: new_row[col][0] = old_row[col][0] timeseries[ "dates" ] = timeseries.index.get_level_values("dates") timeseries[ "SegmentNo" ] = timeseries.index.get_level_values("SegmentNo") timeseries["SegmentDuration"] = timeseries[ "SegmentDuration_Extreme" ] timeseries.drop( "SegmentDuration_Extreme", axis=1, inplace=True ) timeseries.set_index( ["dates", "SegmentNo", "SegmentDuration"], inplace=True, ) timeseries = timeseries.append(new_row) timeseries = timeseries.sort_values(by="dates") break elif extremePeriodMethod == "replace_cluster_center": # replace segment in which the extreme timestep was added i = -1 for date in timeseries.index.get_level_values("dates"): if date < maxi: i = i + 1 else: if i == -1: i = 0 max_val[ "SegmentDuration" ] = timeseries.index.get_level_values("SegmentDuration")[i] max_val.set_index( ["dates", "SegmentNo", "SegmentDuration"], inplace=True ) timeseries.drop(timeseries.index[i], inplace=True) timeseries = timeseries.append(max_val) timeseries = timeseries.sort_values(by="dates") break else: raise ValueError( """Choose 'append' or 'replace_cluster_center' for consideration of extreme periods with segmentation method""" ) # add timestep if it is not already calculated if mini not in timeseries.index.get_level_values("dates"): # identifiy timestep, adapt it to timeseries-df and add it min_val = timeseries_df.loc[mini].copy() min_val["SegmentNo"] = len(timeseries) + 1 min_val["SegmentDuration"] = 1 min_val["dates"] = min_val = pd.DataFrame(min_val).transpose() if extremePeriodMethod == "append": min_val.set_index( ["dates", "SegmentNo", "SegmentDuration"], inplace=True ) timeseries = timeseries.append(min_val) timeseries = timeseries.sort_values(by="dates") # split up segment in which the extreme timestep was added i = -1 for date in timeseries.index.get_level_values("dates"): if date < mini: i = i + 1 else: timeseries[ "SegmentDuration_Extreme" ] = timeseries.index.get_level_values("SegmentDuration") old_row = timeseries.iloc[i].copy() old_row = pd.DataFrame(old_row).transpose() delta_t = ( timeseries.index.get_level_values("dates")[i + 1] - timeseries.index.get_level_values("dates")[i] ) delta_t = delta_t.total_seconds() / 3600 timeseries["SegmentDuration_Extreme"].iloc[i] = delta_t timeseries_df["row_no"] = range(0, len(timeseries_df)) new_row = int(timeseries_df.loc[mini]["row_no"]) + 1 new_date = timeseries_df[ timeseries_df.row_no == new_row ].index if new_date.isin( timeseries.index.get_level_values("dates") ): timeseries[ "dates" ] = timeseries.index.get_level_values("dates") timeseries[ "SegmentNo" ] = timeseries.index.get_level_values("SegmentNo") timeseries["SegmentDuration"] = timeseries[ "SegmentDuration_Extreme" ] timeseries.drop( "SegmentDuration_Extreme", axis=1, inplace=True ) timeseries.set_index( ["dates", "SegmentNo", "SegmentDuration"], inplace=True, ) break else: new_row = timeseries_df.iloc[new_row].copy() new_row.drop("row_no", inplace=True) new_row["SegmentNo"] = len(timeseries) + 1 new_row["SegmentDuration"] = ( old_row["SegmentDuration_Extreme"][0] - delta_t - 1 ) new_row["dates"] = new_row = pd.DataFrame(new_row).transpose() new_row.set_index( ["dates", "SegmentNo", "SegmentDuration"], inplace=True, ) for col in new_row.columns: new_row[col][0] = old_row[col][0] timeseries[ "dates" ] = timeseries.index.get_level_values("dates") timeseries[ "SegmentNo" ] = timeseries.index.get_level_values("SegmentNo") timeseries["SegmentDuration"] = timeseries[ "SegmentDuration_Extreme" ] timeseries.drop( "SegmentDuration_Extreme", axis=1, inplace=True ) timeseries.set_index( ["dates", "SegmentNo", "SegmentDuration"], inplace=True, ) timeseries = timeseries.append(new_row) timeseries = timeseries.sort_values(by="dates") break elif extremePeriodMethod == "replace_cluster_center": # replace segment in which the extreme timestep was added i = -1 for date in timeseries.index.get_level_values("dates"): if date < mini: i = i + 1 else: if i == -1: i = 0 min_val[ "SegmentDuration" ] = timeseries.index.get_level_values("SegmentDuration")[i] min_val.set_index( ["dates", "SegmentNo", "SegmentDuration"], inplace=True ) timeseries.drop(timeseries.index[i], inplace=True) timeseries = timeseries.append(min_val) timeseries = timeseries.sort_values(by="dates") break else: raise ValueError( """Choose 'append' or 'replace_cluster_center' for consideration of extreme periods with segmentation method""" ) if "row_no" in timeseries.columns: timeseries.drop("row_no", axis=1, inplace=True) return timeseries
[docs]def run( network, n_clusters=None, how="daily", segmented_to=False, extreme_periods="None", ): """ Function to call the respecting snapshot clustering function and export the result to a csv-file. Parameters ---------- network : pypsa.Network object Container for all network components. n_clusters : int, optional Number of clusters for typical_periods. The default is None. how : {'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly'}, optional Definition of period for typical_periods. The default is 'daily'. segmented_to : int, optional Number of segments for segmentation. The default is False. extremePeriodMethod : {'None','append','new_cluster_center', 'replace_cluster_center'}, optional Method to consider extreme snapshots in reduced timeseries. The default is 'None'. Returns ------- network : pypsa.Network object Container for all network components. """ if segmented_to is not False: segment_no = segmented_to segmentation = True else: segment_no = 24 segmentation = False if not extreme_periods: extreme_periods = "None" # calculate clusters ( df_cluster, cluster_weights, dates, hours, df_i_h, timeseries, ) = tsam_cluster( prepare_pypsa_timeseries(network), typical_periods=n_clusters, how="daily", extremePeriodMethod=extreme_periods, segmentation=segmentation, segment_no=segment_no, segm_hoursperperiod=network.snapshots.size, ) if segmentation: pd.DataFrame( timeseries.reset_index(), columns=["dates", "SegmentNo", "SegmentDuration"], ).set_index("SegmentNo").to_csv( "timeseries_segmentation=" + str(segment_no) + ".csv" ) else: if how == "daily": howie = "days" elif how == "weekly": howie = "weeks" elif how == "monthly": howie = "months" elif how == "hourly": howie = "hours" df_cluster.to_csv( "cluster_typical-periods=" + str(n_clusters) + howie + ".csv" ) network.cluster = df_cluster network.cluster_ts = df_i_h update_data_frames( network, cluster_weights, dates, hours, timeseries, segmentation ) return network
[docs]def prepare_pypsa_timeseries(network): """ Prepares timeseries and residual load timeseries for clustering. Parameters ---------- network : pypsa.Network object Container for all network components. Returns ------- df : pd.DataFrame Timeseries to be considered when clustering. """ loads = network.loads_t.p_set.copy() loads.columns = "L" + loads.columns renewables = network.generators_t.p_max_pu.mul( network.generators.p_nom[network.generators_t.p_max_pu.columns], axis=1 ).copy() renewables.columns = "G" + renewables.columns residual_load = pd.DataFrame() residual_load["residual_load"] = loads.sum(axis=1) - renewables.sum(axis=1) df = pd.concat([renewables, loads, residual_load], axis=1) return df
[docs]def update_data_frames( network, cluster_weights, dates, hours, timeseries, segmentation ): """ Updates the snapshots, snapshot weightings and the dataframes based on the original data in the network and the medoids created by clustering these original data. Parameters ---------- network : pypsa.Network object Container for all network components. cluster_weights : dict Weightings per cluster after clustering to typical periods. dates : DatetimeIndex Dates of clusters after clustering to typical periods. hours : int Hours per typical period. timeseries : pd.DataFrame Information on segments after segmentation. segmentation : boolean Checks if segmentation of clustering to typical periods has been used. Returns ------- network : pypsa.Network object Container for all network components. """ if segmentation: network.snapshots = timeseries.index.get_level_values(0) network.snapshot_weightings["objective"] = pd.Series( data=timeseries.index.get_level_values(2).values, index=timeseries.index.get_level_values(0), ) network.snapshot_weightings["stores"] = pd.Series( data=timeseries.index.get_level_values(2).values, index=timeseries.index.get_level_values(0), ) network.snapshot_weightings["generators"] = pd.Series( data=timeseries.index.get_level_values(2).values, index=timeseries.index.get_level_values(0), ) else: network.snapshots = dates network.snapshot_weightings = network.snapshot_weightings.loc[dates] snapshot_weightings = [] for i in cluster_weights.values(): x = 0 while x < hours: snapshot_weightings.append(i) x += 1 for i in range(len(network.snapshot_weightings)): network.snapshot_weightings["objective"][i] = snapshot_weightings[ i ] network.snapshot_weightings["stores"][i] = snapshot_weightings[i] network.snapshot_weightings["generators"][i] = snapshot_weightings[ i ] # put the snapshot in the right order network.snapshots.sort_values() network.snapshot_weightings.sort_index() print(network.snapshots) return network
[docs]def skip_snapshots(self): """ Conducts the downsapling to every n-th snapshot. Returns ------- None. """ # save second network for optional dispatch disaggregation if ( self.args["temporal_disaggregation"]["active"] and not self.args["snapshot_clustering"]["active"] ): self.network_tsa = n_skip = self.args["skip_snapshots"] if n_skip: last_weight = ( int( ([-1] -[::n_skip][-1] ).seconds / 3600 ) + 1 ) =[::n_skip]["objective"] = n_skip["stores"] = n_skip["generators"] = n_skip if last_weight < n_skip:[[-1] ]["objective"] = last_weight[[-1] ]["stores"] = last_weight[[-1] ]["generators"] = last_weight