Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016-2018  Flensburg University of Applied Sciences,
# Europa-Universität Flensburg,
# Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems,
# DLR-Institute for Networked Energy Systems
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# File description
""" includes a wide range of useful functions.

import os
import time
from pyomo.environ import (Var, Constraint, PositiveReals, ConcreteModel)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pypsa
import json
import logging
import math

geopandas = True
    import geopandas as gpd
    from shapely.geometry import Point
    import geoalchemy2
    from egoio.db_tables.model_draft import RenpassGisParameterRegion

    geopandas = False

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__copyright__ = ("Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, "
                 "Europa-Universität Flensburg, "
                 "Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems, "
                 "DLR-Institute for Networked Energy Systems")
__license__ = "GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL-3.0)"
__author__ = "ulfmueller, s3pp, wolfbunke, mariusves, lukasol"

[docs]def buses_of_vlvl(network, voltage_level): """ Get bus-ids of given voltage level(s). Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA voltage_level: list Returns ------- list List containing bus-ids. """ mask = network.buses.v_nom.isin(voltage_level) df = network.buses[mask] return df.index
[docs]def buses_grid_linked(network, voltage_level): """ Get bus-ids of a given voltage level connected to the grid. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA voltage_level: list Returns ------- list List containing bus-ids. """ mask = ((network.buses.index.isin(network.lines.bus0) | (network.buses.index.isin(network.lines.bus1))) & (network.buses.v_nom.isin(voltage_level))) df = network.buses[mask] return df.index
[docs]def geolocation_buses(network, session): """ If geopandas is installed: Use Geometries of buses x/y(lon/lat) and Polygons of Countries from RenpassGisParameterRegion in order to locate the buses Else: Use coordinats of buses to locate foreign buses, which is less accurate. Parameters ---------- network_etrago: : class: `` eTraGo network object compiled by: meth: `etrago.appl.etrago` session: : sqlalchemy: `sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session < orm/session_basics.html >` SQLAlchemy session to the OEDB """ if geopandas: # Start db connetion # get renpassG!S scenario data RenpassGISRegion = RenpassGisParameterRegion # Define regions region_id = ['DE', 'DK', 'FR', 'BE', 'LU', 'AT', 'NO', 'PL', 'CH', 'CZ', 'SE', 'NL'] query = session.query(RenpassGISRegion.gid, RenpassGISRegion.u_region_id, RenpassGISRegion.stat_level, RenpassGISRegion.geom, RenpassGISRegion.geom_point) # get regions by query and filter Regions = [(gid, u_region_id, stat_level, geoalchemy2.shape.to_shape( geom), geoalchemy2.shape.to_shape(geom_point)) for gid, u_region_id, stat_level, geom, geom_point in query.filter(RenpassGISRegion.u_region_id. in_(region_id)).all()] crs = {'init': 'epsg:4326'} # transform lon lat to shapely Points and create GeoDataFrame points = [Point(xy) for xy in zip(network.buses.x, network.buses.y)] bus = gpd.GeoDataFrame(network.buses, crs=crs, geometry=points) # Transform Countries Polygons as Regions region = pd.DataFrame( Regions, columns=['id', 'country', 'stat_level', 'Polygon', 'Point']) re = gpd.GeoDataFrame(region, crs=crs, geometry=region['Polygon']) # join regions and buses by geometry which intersects busC = gpd.sjoin(bus, re, how='inner', op='intersects') # busC # Drop non used columns busC = busC.drop(['index_right', 'Point', 'id', 'Polygon', 'stat_level', 'geometry'], axis=1) # add busC to eTraGo.buses network.buses['country_code'] = busC['country'] network.buses.country_code[network.buses.country_code.isnull()] = 'DE' # close session session.close() else: buses_by_country(network) transborder_lines_0 = network.lines[network.lines['bus0'].isin( network.buses.index[network.buses['country_code'] != 'DE'])].index transborder_lines_1 = network.lines[network.lines['bus1'].isin( network.buses.index[network.buses['country_code']!= 'DE'])].index #set country tag for lines network.lines.loc[transborder_lines_0, 'country'] = \ network.buses.loc[network.lines.loc[transborder_lines_0, 'bus0'].\ values,'country_code'].values network.lines.loc[transborder_lines_1, 'country'] = \ network.buses.loc[network.lines.loc[transborder_lines_1, 'bus1'].\ values,'country_code'].values network.lines['country'].fillna('DE', inplace=True) doubles = list(set(transborder_lines_0.intersection(transborder_lines_1))) for line in doubles: c_bus0 = network.buses.loc[network.lines.loc[line, 'bus0'], 'country_code'] c_bus1 = network.buses.loc[network.lines.loc[line, 'bus1'], 'country_code'] network.lines.loc[line, 'country'] = '{}{}'.format(c_bus0, c_bus1) transborder_links_0 = network.links[network.links['bus0'].isin( network.buses.index[network.buses['country_code']!= 'DE'])].index transborder_links_1 = network.links[network.links['bus1'].isin( network.buses.index[network.buses['country_code'] != 'DE'])].index #set country tag for links network.links.loc[transborder_links_0, 'country'] = \ network.buses.loc[network.links.loc[transborder_links_0, 'bus0'].\ values, 'country_code'].values network.links.loc[transborder_links_1, 'country'] = \ network.buses.loc[network.links.loc[transborder_links_1, 'bus1'].\ values, 'country_code'].values network.links['country'].fillna('DE', inplace=True) doubles = list(set(transborder_links_0.intersection(transborder_links_1))) for link in doubles: c_bus0 = network.buses.loc[ network.links.loc[link, 'bus0'], 'country_code'] c_bus1 = network.buses.loc[ network.links.loc[link, 'bus1'], 'country_code'] network.links.loc[link, 'country'] = '{}{}'.format(c_bus0, c_bus1) return network
[docs]def buses_by_country(network): """ Find buses of foreign countries using coordinates and return them as Pandas Series Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA Returns ------- foreign_buses: Series containing buses by country """ poland = pd.Series(index=network. buses[(network.buses['x'] > 17)].index, data="PL") czech = pd.Series(index=network. buses[(network.buses['x'] < 17) & (network.buses['x'] > 15.1)].index, data="CZ") denmark = pd.Series(index=network. buses[((network.buses['y'] < 60) & (network.buses['y'] > 55.2)) | ((network.buses['x'] > 11.95) & (network.buses['x'] < 11.97) & (network.buses['y'] > 54.5))]. index, data="DK") sweden = pd.Series(index=network.buses[(network.buses['y'] > 60)].index, data="SE") austria = pd.Series(index=network. buses[(network.buses['y'] < 47.33) & (network.buses['x'] > 9) | ((network.buses['x'] > 9.65) & (network.buses['x'] < 9.9) & (network.buses['y'] < 47.5) & (network.buses['y'] > 47.3)) | ((network.buses['x'] > 12.14) & (network.buses['x'] < 12.15) & (network.buses['y'] > 47.57) & (network.buses['y'] < 47.58)) | (network.buses['y'] < 47.6) & (network.buses['x'] > 14.1)].index, data="AT") switzerland = pd.Series(index=network. buses[((network.buses['x'] > 8.1) & (network.buses['x'] < 8.3) & (network.buses['y'] < 46.8)) | ((network.buses['x'] > 7.82) & (network.buses['x'] < 7.88) & (network.buses['y'] > 47.54) & (network.buses['y'] < 47.57)) | ((network.buses['x'] > 10.91) & (network.buses['x'] < 10.92) & (network.buses['y'] > 49.91) & (network.buses['y'] < 49.92))].index, data="CH") netherlands = pd.Series(index=network. buses[((network.buses['x'] < 6.96) & (network.buses['y'] < 53.15) & (network.buses['y'] > 53.1)) | ((network.buses['x'] < 5.4) & (network.buses['y'] > 52.1))].index, data="NL") luxembourg = pd.Series(index=network. buses[((network.buses['x'] < 6.15) & (network.buses['y'] < 49.91) & (network.buses['y'] > 49.65))].index, data="LU") france = pd.Series(index=network. buses[(network.buses['x'] < 4.5) | ((network.buses['x'] > 7.507) & (network.buses['x'] < 7.508) & (network.buses['y'] > 47.64) & (network.buses['y'] < 47.65)) | ((network.buses['x'] > 6.2) & (network.buses['x'] < 6.3) & (network.buses['y'] > 49.1) & (network.buses['y'] < 49.2)) | ((network.buses['x'] > 6.7) & (network.buses['x'] < 6.76) & (network.buses['y'] > 49.13) & (network.buses['y'] < 49.16))].index, data="FR") foreign_buses = pd.Series() foreign_buses = foreign_buses.append([poland, czech, denmark, sweden, austria, switzerland, netherlands, luxembourg, france]) network.buses['country_code'] = foreign_buses[network.buses.index] network.buses['country_code'].fillna('DE', inplace=True) return foreign_buses
[docs]def clip_foreign(network): """ Delete all components and timelines located outside of Germany. Add transborder flows divided by country of origin as network.foreign_trade. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA Returns ------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA """ # get foreign buses by country foreign_buses = network.buses[network.buses.country_code != 'DE'] network.buses = network.buses.drop( network.buses.loc[foreign_buses.index].index) # identify transborder lines (one bus foreign, one bus not) and the country # it is coming from """transborder_lines = pd.DataFrame(index=network.lines[ ((network.lines['bus0'].isin(network.buses.index) == False) & (network.lines['bus1'].isin(network.buses.index) == True)) | ((network.lines['bus0'].isin(network.buses.index) == True) & (network.lines['bus1'].isin(network.buses.index) == False))].index) transborder_lines['bus0'] = network.lines['bus0'] transborder_lines['bus1'] = network.lines['bus1'] transborder_lines['country'] = "" for i in range(0, len(transborder_lines)): if transborder_lines.iloc[i, 0] in foreign_buses.index: transborder_lines['country'][i] = foreign_buses[str( transborder_lines.iloc[i, 0])] else: transborder_lines['country'][i] = foreign_buses[str( transborder_lines.iloc[i, 1])] # identify amount of flows per line and group to get flow per country transborder_flows = network.lines_t.p0[transborder_lines.index] for i in transborder_flows.columns: if network.lines.loc[str(i)]['bus1'] in foreign_buses.index: transborder_flows.loc[:, str( i)] = transborder_flows.loc[:, str(i)]*-1 network.foreign_trade = transborder_flows.\ groupby(transborder_lines['country'], axis=1).sum()""" # drop foreign components network.lines = network.lines.drop(network.lines[ (network.lines['bus0'].isin(network.buses.index) == False) | (network.lines['bus1'].isin(network.buses.index) == False)].index) network.links = network.links.drop(network.links[ (network.links['bus0'].isin(network.buses.index) == False) | (network.links['bus1'].isin(network.buses.index) == False)].index) network.transformers = network.transformers.drop(network.transformers[ (network.transformers['bus0'].isin(network.buses.index) == False) | (network.transformers['bus1'].isin(network. buses.index) == False)].index) network.generators = network.generators.drop(network.generators[ (network.generators['bus'].isin(network.buses.index) == False)].index) network.loads = network.loads.drop(network.loads[ (network.loads['bus'].isin(network.buses.index) == False)].index) network.storage_units = network.storage_units.drop(network.storage_units[ (network.storage_units['bus'].isin(network. buses.index) == False)].index) components = ['loads', 'generators', 'lines', 'buses', 'transformers', 'links'] for g in components: # loads_t h = g + '_t' nw = getattr(network, h) # network.loads_t for i in nw.keys(): # network.loads_t.p cols = [j for j in getattr( nw, i).columns if j not in getattr(network, g).index] for k in cols: del getattr(nw, i)[k] return network
[docs]def set_q_foreign_loads(network, cos_phi=1): """Set reative power timeseries of loads in neighbouring countries Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA cos_phi: float Choose ration of active and reactive power of foreign loads Returns ------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA """ foreign_buses = network.buses[network.buses.country_code != 'DE'] network.loads_t['q_set'][network.loads.index[ network.loads.bus.astype(str).isin(foreign_buses.index)]] = \ network.loads_t['p_set'][network.loads.index[ network.loads.bus.astype(str).isin( foreign_buses.index)]] * math.tan(math.acos(cos_phi)) network.generators.control[network.generators.control == 'PQ'] = 'PV' return network
[docs]def connected_grid_lines(network, busids): """ Get grid lines connected to given buses. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA busids : list List containing bus-ids. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame PyPSA lines. """ mask = network.lines.bus1.isin(busids) |\ network.lines.bus0.isin(busids) return network.lines[mask]
[docs]def connected_transformer(network, busids): """ Get transformer connected to given buses. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA busids : list List containing bus-ids. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame PyPSA transformer. """ mask = (network.transformers.bus0.isin(busids)) return network.transformers[mask]
[docs]def load_shedding(network, **kwargs): """ Implement load shedding in existing network to identify feasibility problems Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA marginal_cost : int Marginal costs for load shedding p_nom : int Installed capacity of load shedding generator Returns ------- """ marginal_cost_def = 10000 # network.generators.marginal_cost.max()*2 p_nom_def = network.loads_t.p_set.max().max() marginal_cost = kwargs.get('marginal_cost', marginal_cost_def) p_nom = kwargs.get('p_nom', p_nom_def) network.add("Carrier", "load") start = network.generators.index.to_series().str.rsplit( ' ').str[0].astype(int).sort_values().max() + 1 index = list(range(start, start + len(network.buses.index))) network.import_components_from_dataframe( pd.DataFrame( dict(marginal_cost=marginal_cost, p_nom=p_nom, carrier='load shedding', bus=network.buses.index), index=index), "Generator" ) return
[docs]def data_manipulation_sh(network): """ Adds missing components to run calculations with SH scenarios. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA """ from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, MultiLineString from geoalchemy2.shape import from_shape, to_shape # add connection from Luebeck to Siems new_bus = str(network.buses.index.astype(np.int64).max() + 1) new_trafo = str(network.transformers.index.astype(np.int64).max() + 1) new_line = str(network.lines.index.astype(np.int64).max() + 1) network.add("Bus", new_bus, carrier='AC', v_nom=220, x=10.760835, y=53.909745) network.add("Transformer", new_trafo, bus0="25536", bus1=new_bus, x=1.29960, tap_ratio=1, s_nom=1600) network.add("Line", new_line, bus0="26387", bus1=new_bus, x=0.0001, s_nom=1600) network.lines.loc[new_line, 'cables'] = 3.0 # bus geom point_bus1 = Point(10.760835, 53.909745) network.buses.set_value(new_bus, 'geom', from_shape(point_bus1, 4326)) # line geom/topo network.lines.set_value(new_line, 'geom', from_shape(MultiLineString( [LineString([to_shape(network. buses.geom['26387']), point_bus1])]), 4326)) network.lines.set_value(new_line, 'topo', from_shape(LineString( [to_shape(network.buses.geom['26387']), point_bus1]), 4326)) # trafo geom/topo network.transformers.set_value(new_trafo, 'geom', from_shape(MultiLineString( [LineString( [to_shape(network .buses.geom['25536']), point_bus1])]), 4326)) network.transformers.set_value(new_trafo, 'topo', from_shape( LineString([to_shape(network.buses.geom['25536']), point_bus1]), 4326)) return
def _enumerate_row(row): row['name'] = return row
[docs]def results_to_csv(network, args, path): """ Function the writes the calaculation results in csv-files in the desired directory. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA args: dict Contains calculation settings of path: str Choose path for csv-files """ results_to_csv.counter += 1 if path == False: return None if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) network.export_to_csv_folder(path) data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(path, 'network.csv')) data['time'] = network.results['Solver'].Time data = data.apply(_enumerate_row, axis=1) data.to_csv(os.path.join(path, 'network.csv'), index=False) if results_to_csv.counter == 1: with open(os.path.join(args['csv_export'], 'args.json'), 'w') as fp: json.dump(args, fp) if hasattr(network, 'Z'): file = [i for i in os.listdir( path.strip('0123456789')) if i == 'Z.csv'] if file: print('Z already calculated') else: network.Z.to_csv(path.strip('0123456789') + '/Z.csv', index=False) return
[docs]def parallelisation(network, args, group_size, extra_functionality=None): """ Function that splits problem in selected number of snapshot groups and runs optimization successive for each group. Not useful for calculations with storage untis or extension. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA args: dict Contains calculation settings of Returns ------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA """ print("Performing linear OPF, {} snapshot(s) at a time:". format(group_size)) t = time.time() for i in range(int((args['end_snapshot'] - args['start_snapshot'] + 1) / group_size)): if i > 0: network.storage_units.state_of_charge_initial = network.\ storage_units_t.state_of_charge.loc[ network.snapshots[group_size * i - 1]] network.lopf(network.snapshots[ group_size * i:group_size * i + group_size], solver_name=args['solver_name'], solver_options=args['solver_options'], extra_functionality=extra_functionality) network.lines.s_nom = network.lines.s_nom_opt print(time.time() - t / 60) return
[docs]def set_slack(network): """ Function that chosses the bus with the maximum installed power as slack Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA Returns ------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA """ old_slack = network.generators.index[network. generators.control == 'Slack'][0] # check if old slack was PV or PQ control: if network.generators.p_nom[old_slack] > 50 and network.generators.\ carrier[old_slack] in ('solar', 'wind'): old_control = 'PQ' elif network.generators.p_nom[old_slack] > 50 and network.generators.\ carrier[old_slack] not in ('solar', 'wind'): old_control = 'PV' elif network.generators.p_nom[old_slack] < 50: old_control = 'PQ' old_gens = network.generators gens_summed = network.generators_t.p.sum() old_gens['p_summed'] = gens_summed max_gen_buses_index = old_gens.groupby(['bus']).agg( {'p_summed': np.sum}).p_summed.sort_values().index for bus_iter in range(1, len(max_gen_buses_index) - 1): if old_gens[(network. generators['bus'] == max_gen_buses_index[-bus_iter]) & (network.generators['control'] == 'PV')].empty: continue else: new_slack_bus = max_gen_buses_index[-bus_iter] break network.generators = network.generators.drop('p_summed', 1) new_slack_gen = network.generators.\ p_nom[(network.generators['bus'] == new_slack_bus) & ( network.generators['control'] == 'PV')].sort_values().index[-1] network.generators = network.generators.set_value( old_slack, 'control', old_control) network.generators = network.generators.set_value( new_slack_gen, 'control', 'Slack') return network
[docs]def pf_post_lopf(network, args, add_foreign_lopf, q_allocation, calc_losses): """ Function that prepares and runs non-linar load flow using PyPSA pf. If network has been extendable, a second lopf with reactances adapted to new s_nom is needed. If crossborder lines are DC-links, pf is only applied on german network. Crossborder flows are still considerd due to the active behavior of links. To return a network containing the whole grid, the optimised solution of the foreign components can be added afterwards. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA args: dict Contains calculation settings of add_foreign_lopf: boolean Choose if foreign results of lopf should be added to the network when foreign lines are DC q_allocation: str Choose allocation of reactive power. Possible settings are listed in distribute_q function. calc_losses: bolean Choose if line losses will be calculated. Returns ------- """ network_pf = network # For the PF, set the P to the optimised P network_pf.generators_t.p_set = network_pf.generators_t.p_set.reindex( columns=network_pf.generators.index) network_pf.generators_t.p_set = network_pf.generators_t.p network_pf.storage_units_t.p_set = network_pf.storage_units_t.p_set\ .reindex(columns=network_pf.storage_units.index) network_pf.storage_units_t.p_set = network_pf.storage_units_t.p network_pf.links_t.p_set = network_pf.links_t.p_set.reindex( columns=network_pf.links.index) network_pf.links_t.p_set = network_pf.links_t.p0 # if foreign lines are DC, execute pf only on sub_network in Germany if (args['foreign_lines']['carrier'] == 'DC') or ((args['scn_extension']!= None) and ('BE_NO_NEP 2035' in args['scn_extension'])): n_bus = pd.Series(index=network.sub_networks.index) for i in range(0, len(network.sub_networks.index)-1): n_bus[i] = len(network.buses.index[ network.buses.sub_network.astype(int) == i]) sub_network_DE = n_bus.index[n_bus == n_bus.max()] foreign_bus = network.buses[network.buses.sub_network != sub_network_DE.values[0]] foreign_comp = {'Bus': network.buses[ network.buses.sub_network != sub_network_DE.values[0]], 'Generator': network.generators[ network.generators.bus.isin( foreign_bus.index)], 'Load': network.loads[ network.loads.bus.isin(foreign_bus.index)], 'Transformer': network.transformers[ network.transformers.bus0.isin( foreign_bus.index)], 'StorageUnit': network.storage_units[ network.storage_units.bus.isin( foreign_bus.index)]} foreign_series = {'Bus': network.buses_t.copy(), 'Generator': network.generators_t.copy(), 'Load': network.loads_t.copy(), 'Transformer': network.transformers_t.copy(), 'StorageUnit': network.storage_units_t.copy()} for comp in sorted(foreign_series): attr = sorted(foreign_series[comp]) for a in attr: if not foreign_series[comp][a].empty: if a != 'p_max_pu': foreign_series[comp][a] = foreign_series[comp][a][ foreign_comp[comp].index] else: foreign_series[comp][a] = foreign_series[comp][a][ foreign_comp[comp][ foreign_comp[comp].index.isin( network.generators_t.p_max_pu.columns)].index] network.buses = network.buses.drop(foreign_bus.index) network.generators = network.generators[ network.generators.bus.isin(network.buses.index)] network.loads = network.loads[ network.loads.bus.isin(network.buses.index)] network.transformers = network.transformers[ network.transformers.bus0.isin(network.buses.index)] network.storage_units = network.storage_units[ network.storage_units.bus.isin(network.buses.index)] # Set slack bus network = set_slack(network) # execute non-linear pf pf_solution =, use_seed=True) # if selected, copy lopf results of neighboring countries to network if ((args['foreign_lines']['carrier'] == 'DC') or ((args['scn_extension']!= None) and ('BE_NO_NEP 2035' in args['scn_extension']))) and add_foreign_lopf: for comp in sorted(foreign_series): network.import_components_from_dataframe(foreign_comp[comp], comp) for attr in sorted(foreign_series[comp]): network.import_series_from_dataframe(foreign_series [comp][attr], comp, attr) pf_solve = pd.DataFrame(index=pf_solution['converged'].index) pf_solve['converged'] = pf_solution['converged'].values pf_solve['error'] = pf_solution['error'].values pf_solve['n_iter'] = pf_solution['n_iter'].values if not pf_solve[~pf_solve.converged].count().max() == 0: logger.warning("PF of %d snapshots not converged.", pf_solve[~pf_solve.converged].count().max()) if calc_losses: calc_line_losses(network) network = distribute_q(network, allocation=q_allocation) if args['csv_export'] != False: path=args['csv_export']+ '/pf_post_lopf' results_to_csv(network, args, path) pf_solve.to_csv(os.path.join(path, 'pf_solution.csv'), index=True) return network
[docs]def distribute_q(network, allocation='p_nom'): """ Function that distributes reactive power at bus to all installed generators and storages. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA allocation: str Choose key to distribute reactive power: 'p_nom' to dirstribute via p_nom 'p' to distribute via p_set Returns ------- """ network.allocation = allocation if allocation == 'p': p_sum = network.generators_t['p'].\ groupby(network.generators.bus, axis=1).sum().\ add(network.storage_units_t['p'].abs().groupby( network.storage_units.bus, axis=1).sum(), fill_value=0) q_sum = network.generators_t['q'].\ groupby(network.generators.bus, axis=1).sum() q_distributed = network.generators_t.p / \ p_sum[network.generators.bus.sort_index()].values * \ q_sum[network.generators.bus.sort_index()].values q_storages = network.storage_units_t.p / \ p_sum[network.storage_units.bus.sort_index()].values *\ q_sum[network.storage_units.bus.sort_index()].values if allocation == 'p_nom': q_bus = network.generators_t['q'].\ groupby(network.generators.bus, axis=1).sum().add( network.storage_units_t.q.groupby( network.storage_units.bus, axis = 1).sum(), fill_value=0) p_nom_dist = network.generators.p_nom_opt.sort_index() p_nom_dist[p_nom_dist.index.isin(network.generators.index [network.generators.carrier == 'load shedding'])] = 0 q_distributed = q_bus[ network.generators.bus].multiply(p_nom_dist.values) /\ (network.generators.p_nom_opt[network.generators.carrier != 'load shedding'].groupby( network.generators.bus).sum().add( network.storage_units.p_nom_opt.groupby (network.storage_units.bus).sum(), fill_value=0))[ network.generators.bus.sort_index()].values q_distributed.columns = network.generators.index q_storages = q_bus[network.storage_units.bus]\ .multiply(network.storage_units.p_nom_opt.values) / \ ((network.generators.p_nom_opt[network.generators.carrier != 'load shedding'].groupby( network.generators.bus).sum().add( network.storage_units.p_nom_opt. groupby(network.storage_units.bus).sum(), fill_value=0))[ network.storage_units.bus].values) q_storages.columns = network.storage_units.index q_distributed[q_distributed.isnull()] = 0 q_distributed[q_distributed.abs() == np.inf] = 0 q_storages[q_storages.isnull()] = 0 q_storages[q_storages.abs() == np.inf] = 0 network.generators_t.q = q_distributed network.storage_units_t.q = q_storages return network
[docs]def calc_line_losses(network): """ Calculate losses per line with PF result data Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA s0 : series apparent power of line i0 : series current of line ------- """ # Line losses # calculate apparent power S = sqrt(p² + q²) [in MW] s0_lines = ((network.lines_t.p0**2 + network.lines_t.q0**2). apply(np.sqrt)) # calculate current I = S / U [in A] i0_lines = np.multiply(s0_lines, 1000000) / \ np.multiply(network.lines.v_nom, 1000) # calculate losses per line and timestep network.\ # lines_t.line_losses = I² * R [in MW] network.lines_t.losses = np.divide(i0_lines**2 * network.lines.r, 1000000) # calculate total losses per line [in MW] network.lines = network.lines.assign( losses=np.sum(network.lines_t.losses).values) # Transformer losses # # wirkungsgrad+transformator+1000+mva&source=bl&ots=a6TKhNfwrJ&sig= # r2HCpHczRRqdgzX_JDdlJo4hj-k&hl=de&sa=X&ved= # 0ahUKEwib5JTFs6fWAhVJY1AKHa1cAeAQ6AEIXjAI#v=onepage&q= # wirkungsgrad%20transformator%201000%20mva&f=false # Crastan, Elektrische Energieversorgung, p.151 # trafo 1000 MVA: 99.8 % network.transformers = network.transformers.assign( losses=np.multiply(network.transformers.s_nom, (1 - 0.998)).values) # calculate total losses (possibly enhance with adding these values # to network container) losses_total = sum(network.lines.losses) + sum(network.transformers.losses) print("Total lines losses for all snapshots [MW]:", round(losses_total, 2)) losses_costs = losses_total * np.average(network.buses_t.marginal_price) print("Total costs for these losses [EUR]:", round(losses_costs, 2)) return
[docs]def loading_minimization(network, snapshots): network.model.number1 = Var( network.model.passive_branch_p_index, within=PositiveReals) network.model.number2 = Var( network.model.passive_branch_p_index, within=PositiveReals) def cRule(model, c, l, t): return (model.number1[c, l, t] - model.number2[c, l, t] == model. passive_branch_p[c, l, t]) network.model.cRule = Constraint( network.model.passive_branch_p_index, rule=cRule) network.model.objective.expr += 0.00001 * \ sum(network.model.number1[i] + network.model.number2[i] for i in network.model.passive_branch_p_index)
[docs]def group_parallel_lines(network): # ordering of buses: (not sure if still necessary, remaining from SQL code) old_lines = network.lines for line in old_lines.index: bus0_new = str(old_lines.loc[line, ['bus0', 'bus1']].astype(int).min()) bus1_new = str(old_lines.loc[line, ['bus0', 'bus1']].astype(int).max()) old_lines.set_value(line, 'bus0', bus0_new) old_lines.set_value(line, 'bus1', bus1_new) # saving the old index for line in old_lines: old_lines['old_index'] = network.lines.index grouped = old_lines.groupby(['bus0', 'bus1']) # calculating electrical properties for parallel lines grouped_agg = grouped.\ agg({'b': np.sum, 'b_pu': np.sum, 'cables': np.sum, 'capital_cost': np.min, 'frequency': np.mean, 'g': np.sum, 'g_pu': np.sum, 'geom': lambda x: x[0], 'length': lambda x: x.min(), 'num_parallel': np.sum, 'r': lambda x: np.reciprocal(np.sum(np.reciprocal(x))), 'r_pu': lambda x: np.reciprocal(np.sum(np.reciprocal(x))), 's_nom': np.sum, 's_nom_extendable': lambda x: x.min(), 's_nom_max': np.sum, 's_nom_min': np.sum, 's_nom_opt': np.sum, 'scn_name': lambda x: x.min(), 'sub_network': lambda x: x.min(), 'terrain_factor': lambda x: x.min(), 'topo': lambda x: x[0], 'type': lambda x: x.min(), 'v_ang_max': lambda x: x.min(), 'v_ang_min': lambda x: x.min(), 'x': lambda x: np.reciprocal(np.sum(np.reciprocal(x))), 'x_pu': lambda x: np.reciprocal(np.sum(np.reciprocal(x))), 'old_index': np.min}) for i in range(0, len(grouped_agg.index)): grouped_agg.set_value( grouped_agg.index[i], 'bus0', grouped_agg.index[i][0]) grouped_agg.set_value( grouped_agg.index[i], 'bus1', grouped_agg.index[i][1]) new_lines = grouped_agg.set_index(grouped_agg.old_index) new_lines = new_lines.drop('old_index', 1) network.lines = new_lines return
[docs]def set_line_costs(network, args, cost110=230, cost220=290, cost380=85, costDC=375): """ Set capital costs for extendable lines in respect to PyPSA [€/MVA] Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA args: dict containing settings from cost110 : capital costs per km for 110kV lines and cables default: 230€/MVA/km, source: costs for extra circuit in dena Verteilnetzstudie, p. 146) cost220 : capital costs per km for 220kV lines and cables default: 280€/MVA/km, source: costs for extra circuit in NEP 2025, capactity from most used 220 kV lines in model cost380 : capital costs per km for 380kV lines and cables default: 85€/MVA/km, source: costs for extra circuit in NEP 2025, capactity from most used 380 kV lines in NEP costDC : capital costs per km for DC-lines default: 375€/MVA/km, source: costs for DC transmission line in NEP 2035 ------- """ network.lines["v_nom"] = network.lines.loc[(network.lines.v_nom == 110), 'capital_cost'] = cost110 * network.lines.length /\ args['branch_capacity_factor']['HV'] network.lines.loc[(network.lines.v_nom == 220), 'capital_cost'] = cost220 * network.lines.length/\ args['branch_capacity_factor']['eHV'] network.lines.loc[(network.lines.v_nom == 380), 'capital_cost'] = cost380 * network.lines.length/\ args['branch_capacity_factor']['eHV'] network.links.loc[network.links.p_nom_extendable, 'capital_cost'] = costDC * network.links.length return network
[docs]def set_trafo_costs(network, args, cost110_220=7500, cost110_380=17333, cost220_380=14166): """ Set capital costs for extendable transformers in respect to PyPSA [€/MVA] Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA cost110_220 : capital costs for 110/220kV transformer default: 7500€/MVA, source: costs for extra trafo in dena Verteilnetzstudie, p. 146; S of trafo used in osmTGmod cost110_380 : capital costs for 110/380kV transformer default: 17333€/MVA, source: NEP 2025 cost220_380 : capital costs for 220/380kV transformer default: 14166€/MVA, source: NEP 2025 """ network.transformers["v_nom0"] = network.buses.v_nom) network.transformers["v_nom1"] = network.buses.v_nom) network.transformers.loc[(network.transformers.v_nom0 == 110) & ( network.transformers.v_nom1 == 220), 'capital_cost'] = cost110_220/\ args['branch_capacity_factor']['HV'] network.transformers.loc[(network.transformers.v_nom0 == 110) & ( network.transformers.v_nom1 == 380), 'capital_cost'] = cost110_380/\ args['branch_capacity_factor']['HV'] network.transformers.loc[(network.transformers.v_nom0 == 220) & ( network.transformers.v_nom1 == 380), 'capital_cost'] = cost220_380/\ args['branch_capacity_factor']['eHV'] return network
[docs]def add_missing_components(network): # Munich """Add missing transformer at Heizkraftwerk Nord in Munich and missing transformer in Stuttgart Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA Returns ------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA """ """ to bus 25096: 25369 (86) 28232 (24) 25353 to 25356 (79) to bus 23822: (110kV bus of 380/110-kV-transformer) 25355 (90) 28212 (98) 25357 to 665 (85) 25354 to 27414 (30) 27414 to 28212 (33) 25354 to 28294 (32/63) 28335 to 28294 (64) 28335 to 28139 (28) Overhead lines: 16573 to 24182 (part of 4) """ """ Installierte Leistung der Umspannungsebene Höchst- zu Hochspannung (380 kV / 110 kV): 2.750.000 kVA """ new_trafo = str(network.transformers.index.astype(int).max() + 1) network.add("Transformer", new_trafo, bus0="16573", bus1="23648", x=0.135 / (2750 / 2), r=0.0, tap_ratio=1, s_nom=2750 / 2) def add_110kv_line(bus0, bus1, overhead=False): new_line = str(network.lines.index.astype(int).max() + 1) if not overhead: network.add("Line", new_line, bus0=bus0, bus1=bus1, s_nom=280) else: network.add("Line", new_line, bus0=bus0, bus1=bus1, s_nom=260) network.lines.loc[new_line, "scn_name"] = "Status Quo" network.lines.loc[new_line, "v_nom"] = 110 network.lines.loc[new_line, "version"] = "added_manually" network.lines.loc[new_line, "frequency"] = 50 network.lines.loc[new_line, "cables"] = 3.0 network.lines.loc[new_line, "country"] = 'DE' network.lines.loc[new_line, "length"] = ( pypsa.geo.haversine(network.buses.loc[bus0, ["x", "y"]], network.buses.loc[bus1, ["x", "y"]]) [0][0] * 1.2) if not overhead: network.lines.loc[new_line, "r"] = (network.lines. loc[new_line, "length"] * 0.0177) network.lines.loc[new_line, "g"] = 0 # or: (network.lines.loc[new_line, "length"]*78e-9) network.lines.loc[new_line, "x"] = (network.lines. loc[new_line, "length"] * 0.3e-3) network.lines.loc[new_line, "b"] = (network.lines. loc[new_line, "length"] * 250e-9) elif overhead: network.lines.loc[new_line, "r"] = (network.lines. loc[new_line, "length"] * 0.05475) network.lines.loc[new_line, "g"] = 0 # or: (network.lines.loc[new_line, "length"]*40e-9) network.lines.loc[new_line, "x"] = (network.lines. loc[new_line, "length"] * 1.2e-3) network.lines.loc[new_line, "b"] = (network.lines. loc[new_line, "length"] * 9.5e-9) add_110kv_line("16573", "28353") add_110kv_line("16573", "28092") add_110kv_line("25096", "25369") add_110kv_line("25096", "28232") add_110kv_line("25353", "25356") add_110kv_line("23822", "25355") add_110kv_line("23822", "28212") add_110kv_line("25357", "665") add_110kv_line("25354", "27414") add_110kv_line("27414", "28212") add_110kv_line("25354", "28294") add_110kv_line("28335", "28294") add_110kv_line("28335", "28139") add_110kv_line("16573", "24182", overhead=True) # Stuttgart """ Stuttgart: Missing transformer, because 110-kV-bus is situated outside Heizkraftwerk Heilbronn: """ # new_trafo = str(network.transformers.index.astype(int).max()1) network.add("Transformer", '99999', bus0="18967", bus1="25766", x=0.135 / 300, r=0.0, tap_ratio=1, s_nom=300) """ According to: the following lines are missing: """ add_110kv_line("18967", "22449", overhead=True) # visible in OSM & DSO map add_110kv_line("21165", "24068", overhead=True) # visible in OSM & DSO map add_110kv_line("23782", "24089", overhead=True) # visible in DSO map & OSM till 1 km from bus1 """ Umspannwerk Möhringen (bus 23697) there should be two connections: to Sindelfingen (2*110kV) to Wendingen (former 220kV, now 2*110kV) the line to Sindelfingen is connected, but the connection of Sindelfingen itself to 380kV is missing: """ add_110kv_line("19962", "27671", overhead=True) # visible in OSM & DSO map add_110kv_line("19962", "27671", overhead=True) """ line to Wendingen is missing, probably because it ends shortly before the way of the substation and is connected via cables: """ add_110kv_line("23697", "24090", overhead=True) # visible in OSM & DSO map add_110kv_line("23697", "24090", overhead=True) # Lehrte """ Lehrte: 220kV Bus located outsinde way of Betriebszentrtum Lehrte and therefore not connected: """ def add_220kv_line(bus0, bus1, overhead=False): new_line = str(network.lines.index.astype(int).max() + 1) if not overhead: network.add("Line", new_line, bus0=bus0, bus1=bus1, s_nom=550) else: network.add("Line", new_line, bus0=bus0, bus1=bus1, s_nom=520) network.lines.loc[new_line, "scn_name"] = "Status Quo" network.lines.loc[new_line, "v_nom"] = 220 network.lines.loc[new_line, "version"] = "added_manually" network.lines.loc[new_line, "frequency"] = 50 network.lines.loc[new_line, "cables"] = 3.0 network.lines.loc[new_line, "country"] = 'DE' network.lines.loc[new_line, "length"] = ( pypsa.geo.haversine(network.buses.loc[bus0, ["x", "y"]], network.buses.loc[bus1, ["x", "y"]])[0][0] * 1.2) if not overhead: network.lines.loc[new_line, "r"] = (network.lines. loc[new_line, "length"] * 0.0176) network.lines.loc[new_line, "g"] = 0 # or: (network.lines.loc[new_line, "length"]*67e-9) network.lines.loc[new_line, "x"] = (network.lines. loc[new_line, "length"] * 0.3e-3) network.lines.loc[new_line, "b"] = (network.lines. loc[new_line, "length"] * 210e-9) elif overhead: network.lines.loc[new_line, "r"] = (network.lines. loc[new_line, "length"] * 0.05475) network.lines.loc[new_line, "g"] = 0 # or: (network.lines.loc[new_line, "length"]*30e-9) network.lines.loc[new_line, "x"] = (network.lines. loc[new_line, "length"] * 1e-3) network.lines.loc[new_line, "b"] = (network.lines. loc[new_line, "length"] * 11e-9 ) add_220kv_line("266", "24633", overhead=True) # temporary turn buses of transformers network.transformers["v_nom0"] = network.buses.v_nom) network.transformers["v_nom1"] = network.buses.v_nom) new_bus0 = network.transformers.bus1[network.transformers.v_nom0>network.transformers.v_nom1] new_bus1 = network.transformers.bus0[network.transformers.v_nom0>network.transformers.v_nom1] network.transformers.bus0[network.transformers.v_nom0>network.transformers.v_nom1] = new_bus0.values network.transformers.bus1[network.transformers.v_nom0>network.transformers.v_nom1] = new_bus1.values return network
[docs]def convert_capital_costs(network, start_snapshot, end_snapshot, p=0.05, T=40): """ Convert capital_costs to fit to pypsa and caluculated time Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA p : interest rate, default 0.05 T : number of periods, default 40 years (source: StromNEV Anlage 1) ------- """ # Add costs for DC-converter network.links.capital_cost = network.links.capital_cost + 400000 # Calculate present value of an annuity (PVA) PVA = (1 / p) - (1 / (p * (1 + p) ** T)) # Apply function on lines, links, trafos and storages # Storage costs are already annuized yearly network.lines.loc[network.lines.s_nom_extendable == True, 'capital_cost'] = (network.lines.capital_cost / (PVA * (8760 / (end_snapshot - start_snapshot + 1)))) network.links.loc[network.links.p_nom_extendable == True, 'capital_cost'] = network. links.capital_cost /\ (PVA * (8760 / (end_snapshot - start_snapshot + 1))) network.transformers.loc[network.transformers.s_nom_extendable == True, 'capital_cost'] = network.transformers.capital_cost / \ (PVA * (8760 / (end_snapshot - start_snapshot + 1))) network.storage_units.loc[network.storage_units.p_nom_extendable == True, 'capital_cost'] = network.storage_units.capital_cost / \ (8760 / (end_snapshot - start_snapshot + 1)) return network
[docs]def find_snapshots(network, carrier, maximum = True, minimum = True, n = 3): """ Function that returns snapshots with maximum and/or minimum feed-in of selected carrier. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA carrier: str Selected carrier of generators maximum: bool Choose if timestep of maximal feed-in is returned. minimum: bool Choose if timestep of minimal feed-in is returned. n: int Number of maximal/minimal snapshots Returns ------- calc_snapshots : 'pandas.core.indexes.datetimes.DatetimeIndex' List containing snapshots """ if carrier == 'residual load': power_plants = network.generators[network.generators.carrier. isin(['solar', 'wind', 'wind_onshore'])] power_plants_t = network.generators.p_nom[power_plants.index] * \ network.generators_t.p_max_pu[power_plants.index] load = network.loads_t.p_set.sum(axis=1) all_renew = power_plants_t.sum(axis=1) all_carrier = load - all_renew if carrier in ('solar', 'wind', 'wind_onshore', 'wind_offshore', 'run_of_river'): power_plants = network.generators[network.generators.carrier == carrier] power_plants_t = network.generators.p_nom[power_plants.index] * \ network.generators_t.p_max_pu[power_plants.index] all_carrier = power_plants_t.sum(axis=1) if maximum and not minimum: times = all_carrier.sort_values().head(n=n) if minimum and not maximum: times = all_carrier.sort_values().tail(n=n) if maximum and minimum: times = all_carrier.sort_values().head(n=n) times = times.append(all_carrier.sort_values().tail(n=n)) calc_snapshots = all_carrier.index[all_carrier.index.isin(times.index)] return calc_snapshots
[docs]def ramp_limits(network): """ Add ramping constraints to thermal power plants. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA Returns ------- """ carrier = ['coal', 'biomass', 'gas', 'oil', 'waste', 'lignite', 'uranium', 'geothermal'] data = {'start_up_cost':[77, 57, 42, 57, 57, 77, 50, 57], #€/MW 'start_up_fuel':[4.3, 2.8, 1.45, 2.8, 2.8, 4.3, 16.7, 2.8], #MWh/MW 'min_up_time':[5, 2, 3, 2, 2, 5, 12, 2], 'min_down_time':[7, 2, 2, 2, 2, 7, 17, 2], # ============================================================================= # 'ramp_limit_start_up':[0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4], # 'ramp_limit_shut_down':[0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4] # ============================================================================= 'p_min_pu':[0.33, 0.38, 0.4, 0.38, 0.38, 0.5, 0.45, 0.38] } df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=carrier) fuel_costs = network.generators.marginal_cost.groupby( network.generators.carrier).mean()[carrier] df['start_up_fuel'] = df['start_up_fuel'] * fuel_costs df['start_up_cost'] = df['start_up_cost'] + df['start_up_fuel'] df.drop('start_up_fuel', axis=1, inplace=True) for tech in df.index: for limit in df.columns: network.generators.loc[network.generators.carrier == tech, limit] = df.loc[tech, limit] network.generators.start_up_cost = network.generators.start_up_cost\ *network.generators.p_nom network.generators.committable = True
[docs]def get_args_setting(args, jsonpath='scenario_setting.json'): """ Get and open json file with scenaio settings of eTraGo ``args``. The settings incluedes all eTraGo specific settings of arguments and parameters for a reproducible calculation. Parameters ---------- json_file : str Default: ``scenario_setting.json`` Name of scenario setting json file Returns ------- args : dict Dictionary of json file """ if not jsonpath == None: with open(jsonpath) as f: args = json.load(f) return args
[docs]def set_random_noise(network, seed, sigma = 0.01): """ Sets random noise to marginal cost of each generator. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA seed: int seed number, needed to reproduce results sigma: float Default: 0.01 standard deviation, small values reduce impact on dispatch but might lead to numerical instability """ s = np.random.RandomState(seed) network.generators.marginal_cost[network.generators.bus.isin( network.buses.index[network.buses.country_code == 'DE'])] += \ abs(s.normal(0, sigma, len(network.generators.marginal_cost[ network.generators.bus.isin(network.buses.index[ network.buses.country_code == 'DE'])]))) network.generators.marginal_cost[network.generators.bus.isin( network.buses.index[network.buses.country_code != 'DE'])] += \ abs(s.normal(0, sigma, len(network.generators.marginal_cost[ network.generators.bus.isin(network.buses.index[ network.buses.country_code == 'DE'])]))).max()
[docs]def set_line_country_tags(network): """ Set country tag for AC- and DC-lines. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA """ transborder_lines_0 = network.lines[network.lines['bus0'].isin( network.buses.index[network.buses['country_code'] != 'DE'])].index transborder_lines_1 = network.lines[network.lines['bus1'].isin( network.buses.index[network.buses['country_code']!= 'DE'])].index #set country tag for lines network.lines.loc[transborder_lines_0, 'country'] = \ network.buses.loc[network.lines.loc[transborder_lines_0, 'bus0']\ .values, 'country_code'].values network.lines.loc[transborder_lines_1, 'country'] = \ network.buses.loc[network.lines.loc[transborder_lines_1, 'bus1']\ .values, 'country_code'].values network.lines['country'].fillna('DE', inplace=True) doubles = list(set(transborder_lines_0.intersection(transborder_lines_1))) for line in doubles: c_bus0 = network.buses.loc[network.lines.loc[line, 'bus0'], 'country'] c_bus1 = network.buses.loc[network.lines.loc[line, 'bus1'], 'country'] network.lines.loc[line, 'country'] = '{}{}'.format(c_bus0, c_bus1) transborder_links_0 = network.links[network.links['bus0'].isin( network.buses.index[network.buses['country_code']!= 'DE'])].index transborder_links_1 = network.links[network.links['bus1'].isin( network.buses.index[network.buses['country_code'] != 'DE'])].index #set country tag for links network.links.loc[transborder_links_0, 'country'] = \ network.buses.loc[network.links.loc[transborder_links_0, 'bus0']\ .values, 'country_code'].values network.links.loc[transborder_links_1, 'country'] = \ network.buses.loc[network.links.loc[transborder_links_1, 'bus1']\ .values, 'country_code'].values network.links['country'].fillna('DE', inplace=True) doubles = list(set(transborder_links_0.intersection(transborder_links_1))) for link in doubles: c_bus0 = network.buses.loc[network.links.loc[link, 'bus0'], 'country'] c_bus1 = network.buses.loc[network.links.loc[link, 'bus1'], 'country'] network.links.loc[link, 'country'] = '{}{}'.format(c_bus0, c_bus1)
[docs]def crossborder_capacity(network, method, capacity_factor): """ Adjust interconnector capacties. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA method : string Method of correction. Options are 'ntc_acer' and 'thermal_acer'. 'ntc_acer' corrects all capacities according to values published by the ACER in 2016. 'thermal_acer' corrects certain capacities where our dataset most likely overestimates the thermal capacity. capacity_factor : float branch capacity factor. Reduction by branch-capacity factor is applied afterwards and shouln't effect ntc-values, which already include (n-1)-security. To exclude the ntc-capacities from the capacity factor, the crossborder-capacities are diveded by the factor in this function. For thermal-acer this is excluded by setting branch capacity factors to one. """ if method == 'ntc_acer': cap_per_country = {'AT': 4900, 'CH': 2695, 'CZ': 1301, 'DK': 913, 'FR': 3593, 'LU': 2912, 'NL': 2811, 'PL': 280, 'SE': 217, 'CZAT': 574, 'ATCZ': 574, 'CZPL': 312, 'PLCZ': 312, 'ATCH': 979, 'CHAT': 979, 'CHFR': 2087, 'FRCH': 2087, 'FRLU': 364, 'LUFR': 364, 'SEDK': 1928, 'DKSE': 1928} elif method == 'thermal_acer': cap_per_country = {'CH': 12000, 'DK': 4000, 'SEDK': 3500, 'DKSE': 3500} capacity_factor = {'HV': 1, 'eHV':1} if not network.lines[ != 'DE'].empty: weighting = network.lines.loc[!='DE', 's_nom'].\ groupby( x: x/x.sum()) weighting_links = network.links.loc[!='DE', 'p_nom'].\ groupby( x: x/x.sum()) network.lines["v_nom"] = for country in cap_per_country: index_HV = network.lines[( == country) &( network.lines.v_nom == 110)].index index_eHV = network.lines[( == country) &( network.lines.v_nom > 110)].index index_links = network.links[ == country].index if not network.lines[ == country].empty: network.lines.loc[index_HV, 's_nom'] = weighting[index_HV] * \ cap_per_country[country] / capacity_factor['HV'] network.lines.loc[index_eHV, 's_nom'] = \ weighting[index_eHV] * cap_per_country[country] /\ capacity_factor['eHV'] if not network.links[ == country].empty: network.links.loc[index_links, 'p_nom'] = \ weighting_links[index_links] * cap_per_country\ [country] if country == 'SE': network.links.loc[ == country, 'p_nom'] =\ cap_per_country[country] if not network.lines[ == (country+country)].empty: i_HV = network.lines[(network.lines.v_nom == 110)&( ==country+country)].index i_eHV = network.lines[(network.lines.v_nom == 110)&( ==country+country)].index network.lines.loc[i_HV, 's_nom'] = \ weighting[i_HV] * cap_per_country[country]/\ capacity_factor['HV'] network.lines.loc[i_eHV, 's_nom'] = \ weighting[i_eHV] * cap_per_country[country]/\ capacity_factor['eHV'] if not network.links[ == (country+country)].empty: i_links = network.links[ == (country+country)].index network.links.loc[i_links, 'p_nom'] = \ weighting_links[i_links] * cap_per_country\ [country]*capacity_factor
[docs]def set_branch_capacity(network, args): """ Set branch capacity factor of lines and transformers, different factors for HV (110kV) and eHV (220kV, 380kV). Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA args: dict Settings in """ network.lines["s_nom_total"] = network.lines.s_nom.copy() network.transformers["s_nom_total"] = network.transformers.s_nom.copy() network.lines["v_nom"] = network.buses.v_nom) network.transformers["v_nom0"] = network.buses.v_nom) network.lines.s_nom[network.lines.v_nom == 110] = \ network.lines.s_nom * args['branch_capacity_factor']['HV'] network.lines.s_nom[network.lines.v_nom > 110] = \ network.lines.s_nom * args['branch_capacity_factor']['eHV'] network.transformers.s_nom[network.transformers.v_nom0 == 110]\ = network.transformers.s_nom * args['branch_capacity_factor']['HV'] network.transformers.s_nom[network.transformers.v_nom0 > 110]\ = network.transformers.s_nom * args['branch_capacity_factor']['eHV']
[docs]def update_electrical_parameters(network, l_snom_pre, t_snom_pre): """ Update electrical parameters of active branch components considering s_nom of previous iteration Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA l_snom_pre: pandas.Series s_nom of ac-lines in previous iteration t_snom_pre: pandas.Series s_nom of transformers in previous iteration """ network.lines.x[network.lines.s_nom_extendable] = \ network.lines.x * l_snom_pre / network.lines.s_nom_opt network.transformers.x[network.transformers.s_nom_extendable]=\ network.transformers.x * t_snom_pre /\ network.transformers.s_nom_opt network.lines.r[network.lines.s_nom_extendable] = \ network.lines.r * l_snom_pre / network.lines.s_nom_opt network.transformers.r[network.transformers.s_nom_extendable]=\ network.transformers.r * t_snom_pre /\ network.transformers.s_nom_opt network.lines.g[network.lines.s_nom_extendable] = \ network.lines.g * network.lines.s_nom_opt / l_snom_pre network.transformers.g[network.transformers.s_nom_extendable]=\ network.transformers.g * network.transformers.s_nom_opt /\ t_snom_pre network.lines.b[network.lines.s_nom_extendable] = \ network.lines.b * network.lines.s_nom_opt / l_snom_pre network.transformers.b[network.transformers.s_nom_extendable]=\ network.transformers.b * network.transformers.s_nom_opt /\ t_snom_pre # Set snom_pre to s_nom_opt for next iteration l_snom_pre = network.lines.s_nom_opt.copy() t_snom_pre = network.transformers.s_nom_opt.copy() return l_snom_pre, t_snom_pre
[docs]def iterate_lopf(network, args, extra_functionality, method={'n_iter':4}, delta_s_max=0.1): """ Run optimization of lopf. If network extension is included, the specified number of iterations is calculated to consider reactance changes. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Overall container of PyPSA args: dict Settings in extra_functionality: str Define extra constranits. method: dict Choose 'n_iter' and integer for fixed number of iterations or 'threshold' and derivation of objective in percent for variable number of iteration until the threshold of the objective function is reached delta_s_max: float Increase of maximal extension of each line in p.u. Currently only working with method n_iter """ results_to_csv.counter=0 # if network is extendable, iterate lopf # to include changes of electrical parameters if network.lines.s_nom_extendable.any(): max_ext_line=network.lines.s_nom_max/network.lines.s_nom max_ext_link=network.links.p_nom_max/network.links.p_nom max_ext_trafo=network.transformers.s_nom_max/\ network.transformers.s_nom # Initialise s_nom_pre (s_nom_opt of previous iteration) # to s_nom for first lopf: l_snom_pre = network.lines.s_nom.copy() t_snom_pre = network.transformers.s_nom.copy() # calculate fixed number of iterations if 'n_iter' in method: n_iter = method['n_iter'] for i in range (1,(1+n_iter)): x = time.time() network.lines.s_nom_max=\ (max_ext_line-(n_iter-i)*delta_s_max)*network.lines.s_nom network.transformers.s_nom_max=\ (max_ext_trafo-(n_iter-i)*delta_s_max)*\ network.transformers.s_nom network.links.p_nom_max=\ (max_ext_link-(n_iter-i)*delta_s_max)*network.links.p_nom network.lopf( network.snapshots, solver_name=args['solver'], solver_options=args['solver_options'], extra_functionality=extra_functionality, formulation=args['model_formulation']) y = time.time() z = (y - x) / 60 if network.results["Solver"][0]["Status"].key!='ok': raise Exception('LOPF '+ str(i) + ' not solved.') print("Time for LOPF [min]:", round(z, 2)) if args['csv_export'] != False: path=args['csv_export'] + '/lopf_iteration_'+ str(i) results_to_csv(network, args, path) if i < n_iter: l_snom_pre, t_snom_pre = \ update_electrical_parameters(network, l_snom_pre, t_snom_pre) # Calculate variable number of iterations until threshold of objective # function is reached if 'threshold' in method: thr = method['threshold'] x = time.time() network.lopf( network.snapshots, solver_name=args['solver'], solver_options=args['solver_options'], extra_functionality=extra_functionality, formulation=args['model_formulation']) y = time.time() z = (y - x) / 60 print("Time for LOPF [min]:", round(z, 2)) diff_obj=network.objective*thr/100 i = 1 # Stop after 100 iterations to aviod unending loop while i <= 100: if i ==100: print('Maximum number of iterations reached.') break l_snom_pre, t_snom_pre = \ update_electrical_parameters(network, l_snom_pre, t_snom_pre) pre = network.objective x = time.time() network.lopf( network.snapshots, solver_name=args['solver'], solver_options=args['solver_options'], extra_functionality=extra_functionality, formulation=args['model_formulation']) y = time.time() z = (y - x) / 60 print("Time for LOPF [min]:", round(z, 2)) if network.results["Solver"][0]["Status"].key!='ok': raise Exception('LOPF '+ str(i) + ' not solved.') i += 1 if args['csv_export'] != False: path=args['csv_export'] + '/lopf_iteration_'+ str(i) results_to_csv(network, args, path) if abs(pre-network.objective) <=diff_obj: print('Threshold reached after ' + str(i) + ' iterations.') break else: x = time.time() network.lopf( network.snapshots, solver_name=args['solver'], solver_options=args['solver_options'], extra_functionality=extra_functionality, formulation=args['model_formulation']) y = time.time() z = (y - x) / 60 print("Time for LOPF [min]:", round(z, 2)) if args['csv_export'] != False: path=args['csv_export']+ '/lopf' results_to_csv(network, args, path) return network