Source code for etrago.cluster.networkclustering

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2016-2018  Flensburg University of Applied Sciences,
# Europa-Universität Flensburg,
# Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems,
# DLR-Institute for Networked Energy Systems

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# File description for read-the-docs
""" defines the methods to cluster power grid networks
spatially for applications within the tool eTraGo."""

import os
if 'READTHEDOCS' not in os.environ:
    from import *
    from pypsa.networkclustering import (aggregatebuses, aggregateoneport,
                                         busmap_by_kmeans, busmap_by_stubs)
    from egoio.db_tables.model_draft import EgoGridPfHvBusmap

    from itertools import product
    import networkx as nx
    import multiprocessing as mp
    from math import ceil
    import pandas as pd
    from networkx import NetworkXNoPath
    from pickle import dump
    from pypsa import Network
    import as io
    import pypsa.components as components
    from six import iteritems
    from sqlalchemy import or_, exists

__copyright__ = ("Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, "
                 "Europa-Universität Flensburg, "
                 "Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems, "
                 "DLR-Institute for Networked Energy Systems")
__license__ = "GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 (AGPL-3.0)"
__author__ = "s3pp, wolfbunke, ulfmueller, lukasol"

# TODO: Workaround because of agg

def _leading(busmap, df):
    def leader(x):
        ix = busmap[x.index[0]]
        return df.loc[ix,]
    return leader

[docs]def cluster_on_extra_high_voltage(network, busmap, with_time=True): """ Main function of the EHV-Clustering approach. Creates a new clustered pypsa.Network given a busmap mapping all bus_ids to other bus_ids of the same network. Parameters ---------- network : pypsa.Network Container for all network components. busmap : dict Maps old bus_ids to new bus_ids. with_time : bool If true time-varying data will also be aggregated. Returns ------- network : pypsa.Network Container for all network components of the clustered network. """ network_c = Network() buses = aggregatebuses( network, busmap, { 'x': _leading( busmap, network.buses), 'y': _leading( busmap, network.buses)}) # keep attached lines lines = network.lines.copy() mask = lines.bus0.isin(buses.index) lines = lines.loc[mask, :] # keep attached links links = network.links.copy() mask = links.bus0.isin(buses.index) links = links.loc[mask, :] # keep attached transformer transformers = network.transformers.copy() mask = transformers.bus0.isin(buses.index) transformers = transformers.loc[mask, :] io.import_components_from_dataframe(network_c, buses, "Bus") io.import_components_from_dataframe(network_c, lines, "Line") io.import_components_from_dataframe(network_c, links, "Link") io.import_components_from_dataframe(network_c, transformers, "Transformer") if with_time: network_c.snapshots = network.snapshots network_c.set_snapshots(network.snapshots) network_c.snapshot_weightings = network.snapshot_weightings.copy() # dealing with generators network.generators.control = "PV" network.generators['weight'] = 1 new_df, new_pnl = aggregategenerators(network, busmap, with_time) io.import_components_from_dataframe(network_c, new_df, 'Generator') for attr, df in iteritems(new_pnl): io.import_series_from_dataframe(network_c, df, 'Generator', attr) # dealing with all other components aggregate_one_ports = components.one_port_components.copy() aggregate_one_ports.discard('Generator') for one_port in aggregate_one_ports: new_df, new_pnl = aggregateoneport( network, busmap, component=one_port, with_time=with_time) io.import_components_from_dataframe(network_c, new_df, one_port) for attr, df in iteritems(new_pnl): io.import_series_from_dataframe(network_c, df, one_port, attr) network_c.determine_network_topology() return network_c
[docs]def graph_from_edges(edges): """ Constructs an undirected multigraph from a list containing data on weighted edges. Parameters ---------- edges : list List of tuples each containing first node, second node, weight, key. Returns ------- M : :class:`networkx.classes.multigraph.MultiGraph """ M = nx.MultiGraph() for e in edges: n0, n1, weight, key = e M.add_edge(n0, n1, weight=weight, key=key) return M
[docs]def gen(nodes, n, graph): # TODO There could be a more convenient way of doing this. This generators # single purpose is to prepare data for multiprocessing's starmap function. """ Generator for applying multiprocessing. Parameters ---------- nodes : list List of nodes in the system. n : int Number of desired multiprocessing units. graph : :class:`networkx.classes.multigraph.MultiGraph Graph representation of an electrical grid. Returns ------- None """ g = graph.copy() for i in range(0, len(nodes), n): yield (nodes[i:i + n], g)
[docs]def shortest_path(paths, graph): """ Finds the minimum path lengths between node pairs defined in paths. Parameters ---------- paths : list List of pairs containing a source and a target node graph : :class:`networkx.classes.multigraph.MultiGraph Graph representation of an electrical grid. Returns ------- df : pd.DataFrame DataFrame holding source and target node and the minimum path length. """ idxnames = ['source', 'target'] idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(paths, names=idxnames) df = pd.DataFrame(index=idx, columns=['path_length']) df.sort_index(inplace=True) for s, t in paths: try: df.loc[(s, t), 'path_length'] = \ nx.dijkstra_path_length(graph, s, t) except NetworkXNoPath: continue return df
[docs]def busmap_by_shortest_path(network, session, scn_name, version, fromlvl, tolvl, cpu_cores=4): """ Creates a busmap for the EHV-Clustering between voltage levels based on dijkstra shortest path. The result is automatically written to the `model_draft` on the <OpenEnergyPlatform>[] database with the name `ego_grid_pf_hv_busmap` and the attributes scn_name (scenario name), bus0 (node before clustering), bus1 (node after clustering) and path_length (path length). An AssertionError occurs if buses with a voltage level are not covered by the input lists 'fromlvl' or 'tolvl'. Parameters ---------- network : pypsa.Network object Container for all network components. session : sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session object Establishes interactions with the database. scn_name : str Name of the scenario. fromlvl : list List of voltage-levels to cluster. tolvl : list List of voltage-levels to remain. cpu_cores : int Number of CPU-cores. Returns ------- None """ # cpu_cores = mp.cpu_count() # data preperation s_buses = buses_grid_linked(network, fromlvl) lines = connected_grid_lines(network, s_buses) transformer = connected_transformer(network, s_buses) mask = transformer.bus1.isin(buses_of_vlvl(network, tolvl)) # temporary end points, later replaced by bus1 pendant t_buses = transformer[mask].bus0 # create all possible pathways ppaths = list(product(s_buses, t_buses)) # graph creation edges = [(row.bus0, row.bus1, row.length, ix) for ix, row in lines.iterrows()] M = graph_from_edges(edges) # applying multiprocessing p = mp.Pool(cpu_cores) chunksize = ceil(len(ppaths) / cpu_cores) container = p.starmap(shortest_path, gen(ppaths, chunksize, M)) df = pd.concat(container) dump(df, open('df.p', 'wb')) # post processing df.sortlevel(inplace=True) mask = df.groupby(level='source')['path_length'].idxmin() df = df.loc[mask, :] # rename temporary endpoints df.reset_index(inplace=True) =, network.transformers.bus1))) # append to busmap buses only connected to transformer transformer = network.transformers idx = list(set(buses_of_vlvl(network, fromlvl)). symmetric_difference(set(s_buses))) mask = transformer.bus0.isin(idx) toappend = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(transformer[mask].bus0, transformer[mask].bus1)), columns=['source', 'target']) toappend['path_length'] = 0 df = pd.concat([df, toappend], ignore_index=True, axis=0) # append all other buses buses = network.buses mask = buses.index.isin(df.source) assert set(buses[~mask].v_nom) == set(tolvl) tofill = pd.DataFrame([buses.index[~mask]] * 2).transpose() tofill.columns = ['source', 'target'] tofill['path_length'] = 0 df = pd.concat([df, tofill], ignore_index=True, axis=0) # prepare data for export df['scn_name'] = scn_name df['version'] = version df.rename(columns={'source': 'bus0', 'target': 'bus1'}, inplace=True) df.set_index(['scn_name', 'bus0', 'bus1'], inplace=True) for i, d in df.reset_index().iterrows(): session.add(EgoGridPfHvBusmap(**d.to_dict())) session.commit() return
[docs]def busmap_from_psql(network, session, scn_name, version): """ Retrieves busmap from `model_draft.ego_grid_pf_hv_busmap` on the <OpenEnergyPlatform>[] by a given scenario name. If this busmap does not exist, it is created with default values. Parameters ---------- network : pypsa.Network object Container for all network components. session : sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session object Establishes interactions with the database. scn_name : str Name of the scenario. Returns ------- busmap : dict Maps old bus_ids to new bus_ids. """ def fetch(): query = session.query(EgoGridPfHvBusmap.bus0, EgoGridPfHvBusmap.bus1).\ filter(EgoGridPfHvBusmap.scn_name == scn_name).filter( EgoGridPfHvBusmap.version == version) return dict(query.all()) busmap = fetch() # TODO: Or better try/except/finally if not busmap: print('Busmap does not exist and will be created.\n') cpu_cores = input('cpu_cores (default 4): ') or '4' busmap_by_shortest_path(network, session, scn_name, version, fromlvl=[110], tolvl=[220, 380, 400, 450], cpu_cores=int(cpu_cores)) busmap = fetch() return busmap
[docs]def kmean_clustering(network, n_clusters=10, load_cluster=False, line_length_factor=1.25, remove_stubs=False, use_reduced_coordinates=False, bus_weight_tocsv=None, bus_weight_fromcsv=None, n_init=10, max_iter=300, tol=1e-4, n_jobs=1): """ Main function of the k-mean clustering approach. Maps an original network to a new one with adjustable number of nodes and new coordinates. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`pypsa.Network Container for all network components. n_clusters : int Desired number of clusters. load_cluster : boolean Loads cluster coordinates from a former calculation. line_length_factor : float Factor to multiply the crow-flies distance between new buses in order to get new line lengths. remove_stubs: boolean Removes stubs and stubby trees (i.e. sequentially reducing dead-ends). use_reduced_coordinates: boolean If True, do not average cluster coordinates, but take from busmap. bus_weight_tocsv : str Creates a bus weighting based on conventional generation and load and save it to a csv file. bus_weight_fromcsv : str Loads a bus weighting from a csv file to apply it to the clustering algorithm. Returns ------- network : pypsa.Network object Container for all network components. """ def weighting_for_scenario(x, save=None): """ """ # define weighting based on conventional 'old' generator spatial # distribution non_conv_types = { 'biomass', 'wind_onshore', 'wind_offshore', 'solar', 'geothermal', 'load shedding', 'extendable_storage'} # Attention: network.generators.carrier.unique() gen = (network.generators.loc[(network.generators.carrier .isin(non_conv_types) == False)] .groupby('bus').p_nom.sum() .reindex(network.buses.index, fill_value=0.) + network.storage_units .loc[(network.storage_units.carrier .isin(non_conv_types) == False)] .groupby('bus').p_nom.sum() .reindex(network.buses.index, fill_value=0.)) load = network.loads_t.p_set.mean().groupby(network.loads.bus).sum() b_i = x.index g = normed(gen.reindex(b_i, fill_value=0)) l = normed(load.reindex(b_i, fill_value=0)) w = g + l weight = ((w * (100000. / w.max())).astype(int) ).reindex(network.buses.index, fill_value=1) if save: weight.to_csv(save) return weight def normed(x): return (x / x.sum()).fillna(0.) print('start k-mean clustering') # prepare k-mean # k-means clustering (first try) network.generators.control = "PV" network.storage_units.control[network.storage_units.carrier == \ 'extendable_storage'] = "PV" # problem our lines have no v_nom. this is implicitly defined by the # connected buses: network.lines["v_nom"] = # adjust the electrical parameters of the lines which are not 380. lines_v_nom_b = network.lines.v_nom != 380 voltage_factor = (network.lines.loc[lines_v_nom_b, 'v_nom'] / 380.)**2 network.lines.loc[lines_v_nom_b, 'x'] *= 1/voltage_factor network.lines.loc[lines_v_nom_b, 'r'] *= 1/voltage_factor network.lines.loc[lines_v_nom_b, 'b'] *= voltage_factor network.lines.loc[lines_v_nom_b, 'g'] *= voltage_factor network.lines.loc[lines_v_nom_b, 'v_nom'] = 380. trafo_index = network.transformers.index transformer_voltages = \ pd.concat([,], axis=1) network.import_components_from_dataframe( network.transformers.loc[:, [ 'bus0', 'bus1', 'x', 's_nom', 'capital_cost', 'sub_network', 's_nom_total']] .assign(x=network.transformers.x * (380. / transformer_voltages.max(axis=1))**2, length = 1) .set_index('T' + trafo_index), 'Line') network.transformers.drop(trafo_index, inplace=True) for attr in network.transformers_t: network.transformers_t[attr] = network.transformers_t[attr]\ .reindex(columns=[]) network.buses['v_nom'] = 380. # State whether to create a bus weighting and save it, create or not save # it, or use a bus weighting from a csv file if bus_weight_tocsv is not None: weight = weighting_for_scenario(x=network.buses, save=bus_weight_tocsv) elif bus_weight_fromcsv is not None: weight = pd.Series.from_csv(bus_weight_fromcsv) weight.index = weight.index.astype(str) else: weight = weighting_for_scenario(x=network.buses, save=False) # remove stubs if remove_stubs: network.determine_network_topology() busmap = busmap_by_stubs(network) network.generators['weight'] = network.generators['p_nom'] aggregate_one_ports = components.one_port_components.copy() aggregate_one_ports.discard('Generator') # reset coordinates to the new reduced guys, rather than taking an # average (copied from pypsa.networkclustering) if use_reduced_coordinates: # TODO : FIX THIS HACK THAT HAS UNEXPECTED SIDE-EFFECTS, # i.e. network is changed in place!! network.buses.loc[busmap.index, ['x', 'y'] ] = network.buses.loc[busmap, ['x', 'y']].values clustering = get_clustering_from_busmap( network, busmap, aggregate_generators_weighted=True, aggregate_one_ports=aggregate_one_ports, line_length_factor=line_length_factor) network = weight = weight.groupby(busmap.values).sum() # k-mean clustering busmap = busmap_by_kmeans( network, bus_weightings=pd.Series(weight), n_clusters=n_clusters, load_cluster=load_cluster, n_init=n_init, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol, n_jobs=n_jobs) # ToDo change function in order to use bus_strategies or similar network.generators['weight'] = network.generators['p_nom'] aggregate_one_ports = components.one_port_components.copy() aggregate_one_ports.discard('Generator') clustering = get_clustering_from_busmap( network, busmap, aggregate_generators_weighted=True, aggregate_one_ports=aggregate_one_ports) return clustering